The stable was oriented in a north-south direction.
The suitability of the stable orientation is confirmed
by Smith [12] according to it is the best use of
natural ventilation. In the side profile there was
stable closed with the rolling sails. In the
longitudinal profile there was closed by stable
windows. Above the middle of lying down doubleboxes was used existing cooling of ventilation
system. Location of ventilation was justified even
by Havlik [3], whose states that the best place to
install a fan in the stable is above the center of lying
down double-boxes. The main corridor of the
airflow is in the middle line of double-boxes, which
use dairy cows in days with high temperatures to
reduce heat stress. Dairy cows lying a longer time
and resting in the stable.
In the following year 2014, the average air velocity
decreased by 0.11m/s to 0.31m/s. One of the reasons
for the change of air flow velocity in the barn were