Nowadays, everyone's at risk for one sort of disease or another. Do you want to know if you are at increased risk for heart disease of Alzhemer's disease? Direct-to-consumer genetic testing easily evaluates consumers' genes for susceptibility to a number of health-related conditions. Just order a kit online from any of the online DTC companies, spit into a tube, and then have your saliva analyzed by lab experts. Once your DNA has been processed, the companies allow consumers to log into the computer to see the results. It's very helpful. For example, a result may indicate that a person is at increased risk of, for example, a heart attack. Though that doesn't mean that the person is definitely going to develop it, he can alter his lifestyle in order to prevent the likelihood of having one, like by exercising more.
There are quite a few good things about DTC genetic testing, actually. In addition to the benefit i just mentioned, the results ofthe test can also give parents useful information on their riskof being carriers of a genetic condition when they are considering having a child. If you know there is a chance you can pass on a genetic disease like thalassemia to your child, you canbetter prepar yourself