In the mixing operation, alkaline paper can be made, and in the
manufacturing process, less bleach can also be used under ‘material
purification’ and ‘improving maintenance procedure’ options. Both
of these options are found to be used in the sample plants. In the
pressing stage, two important options can be used, such as the
‘waste-stream segregation’ and ‘layout change’ options, which are
not practiced in the sample plants. In the drying section, the
two options of ‘improving maintenance procedure’ and ‘use of new
technology’ could be used to prevent pollution, but these
two approaches have not been found to be followed. In the
finishing operation, a natural or alkaline solution is being used
under the option ‘material purification’ but the option ‘automation
improvement’ is not found operative in checking for the emission of
In the mixing operation, alkaline paper can be made, and in themanufacturing process, less bleach can also be used under ‘materialpurification’ and ‘improving maintenance procedure’ options. Bothof these options are found to be used in the sample plants. In thepressing stage, two important options can be used, such as the‘waste-stream segregation’ and ‘layout change’ options, which arenot practiced in the sample plants. In the drying section, thetwo options of ‘improving maintenance procedure’ and ‘use of newtechnology’ could be used to prevent pollution, but thesetwo approaches have not been found to be followed. In thefinishing operation, a natural or alkaline solution is being usedunder the option ‘material purification’ but the option ‘automationimprovement’ is not found operative in checking for the emission ofchemicals
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