Janis: Sorry to keep you I'm Janis Mcllroy.
Jonathan: Jonathan Howard, pleased to meet you l've just been looking through your new advertising campaign It's very impressive!
Janis: Yes, it is, isn't it? I'm glad you like it.
Jonathan: It's really excellent...
John: Ms McIlroy?
Janis: McIlroy Yes?
John: John Howard, Sorry l'm late. I got a bit lost.
Janis: Well, let's not waste any more time then. Apart
from finding my offce, what would you say has been your greatest achievement?
John: Hm...The classic questions, eh? Un, l don't know, let me think about it...
Janis: Can you tell me about a time when you were under pressure. and how you dealt with it?
Jonathan: sure while l was at university, I was the istant editor of the student magazine. I have a opy here actually One week before publication, he editor and half the staff went down with nu, leaving me and a colleague to produce the whole thing...
John: Yeah, that would, that would be it, I suppose.
Janis: Yes, see. Alright, John, are there any questions you d like to ask me?
John: Um, no Oh, yes. How much, um, perhaps not No, no questions. Thank you.
Janis: Oh no, thank you.
Jonathan: Does that answer your questions Ms McIlroy?
Janis: Yes, thank you, that's very clear Well, now Jonathan, when would you be able to start?