Oh holy flying mint bunny's" You whispered as a few more countries appeared on the screen, all half (if not more ) naked. And then, his picture came on. The picture of the guy you had the most major crush on since he influenced your culture, introducing you to Anime.
"OH FUNKING NUTBURGERS" You yelled, as did a few other countries. Japan's picture was turned so you were facing his back, his head tilted to the side slightly so you could see his face. He dressed in a kimono, the top part shrugged off to reveal muscular shoulders. He was holding a bloody katana, and the look on his face... the look on his face made people in the room squeal at the sight. The smirk on his face, coupled with that sexy glare he was giving the viewer, was way to much to handle.
" HOLY CRAP! ________ YOU MADE JAPAN LOOK FUCKING HOT!!" America exclaimed, mouth wide in shock. A few other country's echoed his approval. You could only blush. That was... just...just... THIS WAS WAY TOO EMBARRASSING!! You looked over at Japan to gauge his reaction. He was having massive nosebleeds, letting Hungary take the video camera to continue recording as he tried to correct his bloody nose. Well, at least you could say he didn't NOT approve. That calmed you down a little at least, until you remembered something that sent you into a full blown panic attack.
"AMERICA DO NOT SHOW THE ONES OF JAPAN AND CHINA!!" You squealed as your said best friend who you were positive you were going to kill later, just laughed.
"Oh, c'mon ________ it can't be that ba- ba-" He stuttered as he clicked the remote. Everyone in the room gasped, some smart countries left the room entirely. You bit your lip knowing you'd never hear the end of this. I mean damn... you draw Japan as a Seme ONCE...Okay not really once, more like all times but this was... one of your 'best' works. Japan had China straddled in a chair and was doing...SOMETHING... to China's lower regions with his hands that was blocked by his body, but it was clear what he was doing. China, hair down and shirtless, was caught mid-picture like he was moaning. You had to admit though, The way you had drawn Japan's ass was the embodiment of perfection to say the least. In fact, you were pretty sure you heard a few countries yell 'DAT ASS', most noticeable of them being America.
... Shame was all you felt when you heard China screaming.
" Oh n-nani..." Japan had just fixed his nosebleed too... poor Japan...
"Oh, my god, America. When I get out of this, Revenge will be sweet." You growled at America who was laughing his ass off.
"No more okay!? Please!!?" You resorted to begging, sure it hurt your pride, but not as much as it would if ran across those pictures you had drawn of Italy and Japan... Those would kill you. America chuckled darkly and you panicked.
"PLEASE!!? THE NEXT FEW ONES ARE OF JUST OF JAPAN!!" America practically died laughing, and as he was distracted, you decided to take this opportunity and bend your head down rather closely to the American's lap. His laughter dies immediately and you were rather proud to say the blush on his cheeks would have put a tomato to shame. You smirked and took the chance that was suddenly open to you. You quickly turned your head, snatching the remote out of his hands. America realized the little trick you had just pulled ( you sly fox~) and began to try and wrestle the remote out of your mouth, much like an owner and a dog fighting over a toy. Your teeth clenched down on the buttons, and click after click of dirty pictures appeared on the screen. This escaped no one's attention, including your own, and you were horrified to realize it was your 'Dirty Japanese' collection of pictures... all of them of Japan, all of them dirtier than the last.
Japan actually couldn't take this anymore, and went over to the rather distressed American and placed a hand on his shoulder, making both you and America pause and look up at him. He had a huge blush on his face, and was holding a hand over his face to hide it. In any other situation, you would've said he looked cute.
"C-can you stop now America? This is a bit..." He stopped and looked on with horror at the picture that was stuck on the screen now. Any and all country's who were stupid enough to stick around, Just started screaming. You had gone through a faze where you wanted to study that rumor about that weird thing about tentacle porn and well... this picture was the result. Japan + tentacles. I wouldn't be able to even describe the picture to you, so I'll just leave it up to your imagination.
...You had died. All emotions left you, except of course, anger for a certain American friend. Out of all this, you smiled. A smile that made Russia look like a cute little kitten compared to you. Fury, Frustration, humiliation, they were all being vented into one feeling: Hatred for your American friend. You didn't even notice it when your jaw clenched, and you crushed the remote in your mouth to dust. Everyone in the room sweat-dropped, and some very stupid-but-not-stupid-enough-to-stick-around country's fled, some jumping out the window. Over half the country's had fled, meaning you had pretty much driven out half of the world. You kept up your smile and stared at your American friend, who was cowering a bit in his seat.
"Haha... _______... Friend, buddy, pal-o-mine! This was just one of those jokes I took a bit to far... no hard feelings, r-right?" You just kept smiling, tilting your head slightly to the side like an innocent child. ( you kinda had a Russia face going like dis :^J^ ) You held up your bound hands in-front of you, as if asking for permission to be un-bound. America sweat dropped again, reaching for your hands to untie them, But right when he was about to reach them, You snapped the rope apart like it was string. In half a second, your expression changed from that of an innocent child, to an expression that slightly resembled that of a demon. You dove for the American's neck, beginning to shake/choke him screaming,
Most country's ran for the door, others jumped out windows, only the bravest of the brave stayed, being Germany, Russia, Japan, China, and England (England stayed because he thought he mis-used a demon summoning spell, which took over your body). Prussia had stayed too, but he had stayed because he had crapped his pants and didn't know what to do. Germany and Russia were trying to pull you off of America, who was turning blue, while China and Japan turned off the pervy picture on the screen. England was rifling through his magic book looking for a way to fix a mistake he had never made. When Russia and Germany finally got you off of the American's neck, You were flailing kicking and screaming. Japan and China were now trying to awaken said American, who was now changing colors from purple to blue to green. You had finally calmed down enough for Russia and Germany to release you. America was looking up at you from his chair, with a 'Holy shit she's gonna fuckin kill me!!" look on his face. You glared at him, lunged at him once more, you lifted your leg up, and brought it down harshly, on America's crotch in a type of Karate type kick. All the other countries in the room shielded there own places going 'oooooohh' and wincing. America however, had squealed to an almost girly octave when he heard the chair crack underneath him break from the force of the kick to his crotch. You stared angrily at him for a second, feeling not better, but worse after trying to kill him. You sniffed as tears fell down your eyes.
" I hate you, America!!!" You screamed at him before rushing out the door, going who the hell knows where.