It's dangerous to walk around at night..." (Y/N) said quietly to herself, reminding her of how dangerous Gotham was, especially at night. Anyone who was patrolling would wonder what she could possibly be doing so late at night but she knew exactly what she was doing. As dangerous as it may be, she was actually going to check out the empty cafeteria, where the villains had last attacked all of the students.
The police had already swept the area but she just wanted to get one more look. She wanted to relive those moments where she had first used her powers. Luckily everyone was convinced that she just had amazing reflexes, (which was completely wrong) and they would never suspect that she actually had the power to go back a few minutes.
Or a whole day.
Either way, no one knew.
No one but Batman.
(Y/N) finally approached the cafeteria and carefully avoided the line sight of the cameras hanging high above. She didn't want to be spotted approaching the scene... especially at night... she might even get a whole bunch of detentions for doing so! Detentions were horrible and absolutely dreadful.
"Look... they still have marks everywhere from the battle... Like that dent in the wall... by the uh... guy named... Metal Jaw I think? I don't quite remember. My memory is a bit foggy."
"You know you're talking to yourself, right?"
"I had presumed you were listening." (Y/N) huffed. "Besides, who's going to catch me talking to myself... and... oh boy... I really shouldn't jinx myself like that. I wouldn't want anyone to actually see me talking to myself.