Wednesday, 7 December 1994 was a fine winter’s day as the Christmas is around the corner. Nick Leeson went into the Baring office; everyone kept approaching him and congratulating him. He smiled and walked away to Ron’s room. Peter Norris, Barings’ CEO was there. Ron introduced Nick to Peter. Ron described Nick as the red-hot trader who playing an important part in their restructuring in Singapore Barings Bank. Peter ask Nick whether he still enjoying himself been the key man in Asia. It reminded Nick the amount he loses. He had not enjoyed himself for about two years. He had been fighting the most horrible secret and he knew it was terrible but not enjoyable. He had lost almost £ 150 million and he cannot see the way out from it. He felt it likes fighting a cancer without telling anyone. He began to feel helpless and it is like a prisoner tied down in the wicker basket of a hot-air balloon. Every moment more and more helium was being pumped into the balloon, and it soared into the sky. He wanted to open his mouth and shout that he was scared about heights, and he had made a terrible mistake. He wanted to get down but he could not say a single word to anyone. He could only see all the smiling face of the people below him, like Ron Baker, Peter Norris and all the traders. The only god thing about hiding the losses from these people was that it was so easy. They were always too busy and too self-important, and were always on the telephone. They had the attention span of a gnat. They could not make the time to work through a sheet of numbers and spot that it did not added up. But Peter Norris had mentioned about the end of the year. Christmas was coming, the year-end was coming and it meant a year-end audit was coming.