The mission of every water utility is to provide consumers with drinking water which is
aesthetically acceptable and which presents no risk to public health. Several studies have been
carried out to analyze people’s perception and attitudes with regard to the drinking water
coming from their water distribution systems. The goal of the present study is to investigate
the influence of water quality and the geographic location of consumers within a distribution
system on those consumer’s perception of tap water. Three perception variables were used:
general satisfaction, taste satisfaction and risk perception. Data from two surveys - one carried
out previously, the other new and carried out specifically for the purpose of this study - were
used in a study of two adjoining municipalities in the Quebec City region (Canada). Bivariate
and logistic regression analysis indicate that water quality variations and geographic location
in the distribution system have a significant impact on consumers’ perceptions. This impact
appears to be strongly associated with residual chlorine levels. The study also confirms the
importance of socio-economic characteristics of consumers on drinking water perception.