These findings once more highlight the challenge for MNT leaders to recognize their subordinates' language-induced emotions. As emphasized by Ostell (1996), negative other-directed emotions have a highly disruptive influence on personal relations within a group. Following the principle of emotional contagion, people “catch” emotions from others, i.e. the emotion displayed by one individual is taken over by others. As resentment or anger arises from a perceived insult and motivates the individual to actively correct this wrongdoing, resentful team members may either approach others in an aggressive way and thereby trigger resentment from their counterparts' side or talk negatively about third persons, thus passing on own negative feelings to others. As will be shown in the following section, MNT leaders need to manage these effects carefully.
Finding solutions: three emotion management strategies for MNT leaders
In response to our second research question, our data collection and analysis revealed a series of measures MNT leaders have at their disposal to mitigate their subordinates' negative language-induced emotions. Through our coding process, we established that these measures fall into three general emotion management strategies.
Reducing the impact of language barriers
The first and most effective leadership strategy aims to reduce the negative impact of language barriers on MNT members. MNT members are much less likely to experience negative emotions if their leader succeeds in diffusing the actual problematic situation and thereby takes away the cause of negative emotions. Our investigations have shown that language-related causes of emotions may be diffused by the following measures: moderating subordinates' code-switching, allocating speaking time to less proficient team members and enhancing understanding through frequent repetitions.
Preventing subordinates from frequent code-switching to their native tongues in the presence of colleagues unable to understand this language emerged as a very important measure in this context. Our informants considered the degree of language discipline to be an important element of a team's work culture, which the MNT leader can shape:
It depends on the culture you introduce to your team. If you as the leader allow language switching, it will happen again and again. But if you try to control it, it won't happen so much.
Whereas our informants recognized the importance of restricting side-conversations in tongues other than the working language, they acknowledged that striving for absolute language discipline would also create emotional strain. As shown above, the mandate to use a foreign language in all workplace communication meets stress-based resentment among less proficient speakers. Leaders of multilingual teams therefore need to perform a tightrope walk between imposing a strict language discipline and granting team mem- bers the occasion to confer in their own language, particularly at occasions when they simply want to ensure they have understood arguments put forward in the working language. An American MNT leader with German proficiency highlighted the importance of his moderating role:
It was frustrating for the American colleagues when we would break into German. You'd have to excuse and say “Hey, we got to get through this.” Then as long as you in the end did a good job of summarizing what had been said, I think that being an American myself, they trusted that I summarized the previous discussions in German correctly and that everything was cor- rectly communicated.