Set up Configuration of Account Receivable System
Lists of pre-configuration system as below (Go to the menu “Configuration” )
1. AR type (AR Category) :This is to do for classify group of Account Receivable that is mapping to account code for posting data to GL.
2. Customer Status : this is to do for note and remark of status of agent who can be apply data on the AR system.
3. Transaction code : This is to do for additional to the list of transaction for apply adjust/rebate detail of payment .
4. A/R Master : This is registration profile of Agent in the system.
Set up AR Type
1. Go to “Configuration” menu and click to “A/R Type” button
2. Click New
3. Entry data as below
- Code
- Description
- Category of Transaction (It has 2 type such as 1. CT = “City Ledger” , 2. CC =”Credit Card”)
- Account Code (Please entry the account code as is related with posting to GL )
4. Save
Set up Customer Status
1. Go to “Configuration” menu and click to “Cust Status” button
2. Click New
3. Entry data as below
- Code , Ex. BL
- Description , Ex. Black list
4. Save
Set up transaction for adjust/rebate
1. Go to “Configuration” menu and click to “Tran Code” button
2. Click New
3. Entry data as below
- Department Code (reference to transaction code of Front)
- Description
- Account Type : Fill to “AR”
- Tran sign : It have 3 type “+” =Adjust add , “-” = Rebate reduce and “Both” = Adjust ,Rebate
- Vat % Rate
- GL Ac. No. , Vat Ac. No. , Svc. Ac No. : For posting to GL
4. Save
Set up A/R Master
1. Go to “Master” menu and click to “A/R Master” button
2. Click New
3. Entry data as below
- Define to AR Type for posting to GL (***This is necessary for checking accounting data)
- AR Code
- Credit Term
- Status of agent : Example 1. Good Payment , 2. Black list of over Aging. Etc.
- AR Name
- Contact Person
- Position (In the case of AR is not company agent)
- Address
- Telephone
- Fax
- Credit limit ( In the case of it can be able apply to agent)
4. Save
The system can be able import company or agent code from PMS (Front System ) by press to “Comp/Agent” button.
Step of import city ledger data from Front to apply Invoice at AR
1. Go to “Transaction” menu and click to “City Ledger” button -> “Work With Detail”
2. Define “Date from” and “Date To” (***Please update day by day)
3. Right click mouse to mark all
4. Click to “Transfer Mark Item(s)”
5. Click Yes
1. If you want to import Cr. Card Transaction Please go to “Transaction” menu and click to “City Ledger” button ->”Credit Card”
2. The data was updated that will be gone to show transaction of AR master as per mapping later.
Step of checking new Transaction of AR
1. Go to “Transaction” menu and click to “Transaction” button
2. Searching to AR code or name for checking the new transaction have updated.
Step of adjust and rebate transaction of AR invoice
1. Select to the transaction that want to adjust or rebate
2. Click to “Adjustment” button
3. Entry data as below
- Date of Adjustment
- Select to transaction type for adjust/rebate
- Fill amount to adjust.
4. Click OK
Step of Payment Invoice
1. Right click mouse to mark invoice that will be pay.
2. Click to “Pay mark Item” button
3. Entry data as below
- Date of payment
- Transaction code to payment
- Vat Number
- Reference date
- Click check to box “Bank Charge”
- Transaction code Bank Charge
- Amount of Bank charge
4. Click OK
Step of posting new deposit
1. Define AR code for add new deposit
2. Click to “Deposit payment” button
3. Click Yes
4. Entry data as below
- Date as payment
- Transaction code for payment
- Amount
- Vat No.
- Remark
- Click to check box “Bank Charge”
- Transaction code Bank Charge
- Amount of Bank charge
5. OK
Step of apply deposit
1. Right click to mark invoice have to be applied.
2. And click to invoice deposit
3. Click to “Apply deposit” button
4. Entry amount to pay on “Paid amount”
Example case: Deposit invoice have amount 5,000 USD and The Invoice is applied that it have amount 3436.20 USD. So It should be key amount of paid = 3,436.20 USD. And outstanding of Deposit amount = 1,563.80
5. Click to “Confirm” button
Checking AR outstanding invoice
Step of move invoice to another AR
1. Right click mouse to mark invoice
2. Click to “Transfer” button
3. Click OK
Step of generate Reminder Letter to Agent
1. Right click mouse to mark invoice
2. Click to “Reminder Letter” button
3. Select format Letter
4. Click Print for preview form
Step of fast payment
1. Click to “Fast Payment” button
2. Select and move invoice from left sight to right sight
3. Click to “Pay” button
4. Entry data as below
- Date as payment
- Transaction code for payment
- Amount
- Vat No.
- Remark
- Click to check box “Bank Charge”
- Transaction code Bank Charge
- Amount of Bank charge
5. Click OK