A total of 3110 barramundi offspring were genotyped in this study
across the three experiments (Table 2). Genotyping success was 99.3%
on average (ranging between 97.7 and 99.8%) and progeny assign-
ment to a parental pair (95% confidence) was 98.6% on average
(98.2–99.4%) for the three experiments (Table 2). In general, male
brooders present in the spawning tank swear more likely to contribute
as parents (95%, 100% and 46% contributing as parents in experiments
1, 2 and 3, respectively) than female brooders (67%, 50% and 33%).
Mass spawning from experiment 1 produced the greatest genetic
diversity with 121 families detected by genotyping at harvest, 66 of
which had five or more offspring assigned to a parental pair