What i sent to her:Your hysterical and swearing and aggressive behaviour in front of the kids in the last 24 hours has proven to me that you continue to be mentally unstable. The need to resort to more anti depressants, as you admitted to earlier, further confirms this. This causes me to worry for the welfare of the young ones whilst with you. Having an open ended stay coz "the kids want to", is no longer acceptable. The kids are not old enough to make these decisions by themselves, and their own decisions are not always in their best interests. So, my email proposal that I will send later and my offer to meet to discuss the propsals over coffee tomorrow is the last I make. Whichever idiot male or female, you have met is giving you bad advice, trying to bring up old rubbish and leverage old stories. You threaten to meet your lawyer tomorrow ? I spoke to mine earlier. Don't start something with lawyers, as there can only be one outcome. I will await your suggested time to meet in the morning when you read my email.