Although I feel that part of the line-of-sight to ours in that word had been sent from coming out here was intensified to, seemed there was no knowledge of the Big slime is a man of the moderator, and asked for further explanation on the commentary role It was.
"Big Poison slime Is, what's it's what slime"
"Higher species of slime, it is said that further significant species of poison slime. Like the other day of Pol Activation slime, but is the slime that appears rarely in the area called the poison of wetlands, ecology is not so different to the poison slime.
However, the higher species of slime also be present slime that big slime, these slime There are reports of strong physical attacks "
But it is "! Amazing is not where "
"And when you say? "
Ring the throat commentary officers drinking spit, it makes a bombshell, which is also the ours of purpose.
"Big slime and Big Poison slime, it's a beast that is said to be magical beast that can not be causative"
"I can not be causative? Do What's up with that?? Poison slime in front of our eyes will stay. It also neatly to create a column, admission Following the Wulin players, but has a clearly causative motion that now lined up in two rows - "
"Correct. It was said ...... It will become a beast. Contract-causative manner with the big slime has been carried out for many years research, but I successful example was not until now "
So moderator to understand that it is assumed that no said the commentator, to try gravely word to mouth.
"Clogging ......"
"Perhaps, Wulin players would be the world's first successful example of Big Poison slime. And Will this game be the first place shows its power in public