Research development of application on Asian languages vocabulary basic operating system.
Operator research home key, loyalty degree, Bachelor of Science (computer and communication technology).
Advisor, Dr. Apichart steel.
University 2559.
Study of project aims to 1) to develop applications introduction to Asian languages vocabulary On the Android 2) to assess the quality of applications of language vocabulary introduction on Android 3) for the satisfaction of the user towards applications Asian languages vocabulary based on Android Subjects were undergraduate students Faculty of Humanities and social sciences. Major language for communication students 4 number 30 people. The instrument consists of a BlackBerry Asian languages vocabulary introduction. On the Android Evaluate the quality applications. And the satisfaction of the user towards applications. The statistical analysis is the mean and standard deviation.
The study found that
1. Applications of language vocabulary. On the Android developed consists of applications and vocabularies ASEAN be applied in daily life, jawan.
2. Quality assessment by experts on the suitability of the application language vocabulary ASEAN. On the Android at the source level.
(=, = 0.57 4.24 S.D.).
3. Satisfaction of the user towards applications Asian languages vocabulary introduction. On the Android overall at a high level (=, = 0.57 4.22 S.D.).