The Client Satisfaction Survey as a Tool for Evaluating Library Fee-Based
Information Services
Suzanne M. Ward
ABSTRACT. Fee-based services deliver information to a library's non-primary clientele by providing products such as document delivery and rcscarch services, usually on a cost-recovery basis. A client satis- faction survey is one mcthod of evaluating a fce-based information
service's effectiveness in meeting its clients' needs and of learning new ways to serve customers better. To gain tlic most benefit and insight from the survey's results, the survey must be carefully plxmcd and
implemented. Compiling, interpreting, and reporting the results are equally important. Finally, the staff modifics or improves services based on the survey results. [Arricle copies oiwilnhle lor n fee ~~OIII The Hnwurtli Ducie~lei~t Delivery Service: I-800-342-9678, E-iiiail address: