The assumptions refer to Tables 1 to 9 and pertain to sample costs to establish a lemon orchard and produce lemons in the southern San Joaquin Valley. The cultural practices shown represent production operations and materials considered typical of a well-managed orchard in the region. Costs, materials, and practices in this study will not apply to all farms. Timing of and types of cultural practices will vary among growers within the region and from season to season due to variables such as variety, weather, soil, and insect and disease pressure. The use of trade names and cultural practices in this report does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the University of California nor is any criticism implied by omission of other similar products or cultural practices.
Land. The hypothetical farm consists of 65 contiguous acres. Establishment and production costs are based on the 10 acres being planted to lemons. Mature orange trees are on 50 acres and the remaining five acres are roads, equipment and shop area, and homestead. The grower owns and farms the orchards.