Herein we represent a new discovery based on amine material called hexamethyltriethylene tetramine
(HMTETA). We have observed that when an aqueous solution of Zn(NO3)·6H2O was added to aqueous
solution of HMTETA followed by shaking for a time, the colorless solution was converted to milky color
under the alkaline medium provided by HMTETA prior to formation of uniform zinc oxide nanoparticles
(ZnO NPs). The latter are in situ formed within the cotton fabrics without the support of capping or other
stabilizing agents. Obviously, then, the new made of formation of ZnO NPs speaks of a single-stage process
where cotton fabric is immersed in a prepared solution of the new precursors through which binding
of ZnO NPs into the textile fabrics takes place. Textile fabrics are, indeed, used as a template, which is
capable of maintaining the size and surface distribution of the as-synthesized nanoparticles in a uniform
domain. It is also likely that nanoparticles is confined inside the fibril and microfibrils of the cotton fibers.
World-class facilities have been employed to follow up the synthesis of ZnO NPs, their characterization
and their application to confer, in particular, high durable antibacterial and UV protective function on
cotton fabrics.