With regard to the creation and refinement of such institutions the Asian crisis served as a
catalyst which has increased the speed of Thailand’s financial upgrading (see more details in
Table 1). Thus, the lack of information about credit granting to one borrower by several
institutions has motivated the implementation of a national credit bureau in 2005. Regarding
deposit insurance the full blanket guarantee of the government, that was necessary to stabilize the
system in 1997, is going to be replaced by a partial deposit insurance in 2007. Another major step
would be the introduction of the replacement of the commercial bank act of 1962 by the
modernized and extended financial institutions business act (FIBA), whose implementation is
still pending at the point of writing. The FIBA unifies the supervision of commercial banks,
finance companies and credit foncier companies. It also covers the supervision of consumer loans
of non-bank financial institutions. Moreover, it introduces rules of corporate governance, a field