3. Methodology
Within the framework of the research questions posed to examine the decision making frameworks and data collection methods, the following studies were based on an analysis using a matrix, which consists of two basic elements, i.e. decision making frameworks, data collection methods. The research questions posed to examine the decision making frameworks and data collection methods, the studies were based on an analysis using a matrix, which consists of two basic elements, i.e. decision making frameworks, data collection methods. It can be shown in Table 1 and 2.
Decision making framework serves as a guide for students so that they were able to consider the issue from multiple perspectives.
The triangulation of data in researches increases the reliability and validity[3]. Therefore mixed methods are usually preferred [7]. When Table 2 is examined, it can be seen that researchers collected data using interviews, class observation, open ended questions, multiple choice, free writing and role play. Among the studies, 9 were found to include multiple methods of data collection. The data collection techniques and methods of analysis used in the studies were conducted to determine how socio-scientific issue decision making is enhanced.