It is undeniable that the progress of technology. Can make the lives of people today are much more comfortable than in the past. Whether it's a flat-screen TV. BB mobile phone notebook computers, netbooks, etc. But these are just physical comfort only. Does not guarantee that people in modern times to have the mind than in the past, MD. Krai right Narueput vary per Pichai Psychiatric Hospital Manarom stated that numerous studies indicate that people in the industry. technological progress A happiness index than countries where people do not have to develop the technology much like the people of Bhutan have high happiness index than the United States. Or Japan several times In Japan, the statistics of suicide top of the world, but while Bhutan. Although technological progress. But the people happy family in the community have the same generous way. With a smile, so even though the country's GDP will be lower, but GNH (Gross National Happiness) have a very high return. Dr. Krai rights. Provide information that is interesting The reason is that people are not happy. Suffering all the time It is because man has competed throughout life. Whether it's from before birth until the end of her life. A pregnant mother had to take a cue ฝaktgag with famous doctors. Must be reserved in Downers nurseries or kindergartens names from the bowels of my mother. This child graduating from kindergarten to primary one, you must start with the tutorial combined. Rarely have time to run Fun, like the ones children The university entrance exam The more intense the competition Advance preparation tutorial classes together for years. I have to finish out the race for good. You do ?? also be competing in comparison with peers who are successful in life more than anyone driving expensive than a luxury villa. Children who attended the school as a famous study brilliantly successful as well. Compare all this competition is much more than the basic necessities of life. Rather than respond to the psychological. So self-confident that I'm stable, safer more successful. I excelled in my generation, I'm available, I won over others ?? psychiatrist determined that true life is a necessary basis (Need) is not much more than a factor of four. But what we want (Want) life is infinite. And why it is possible to meet comfort. Fun and confidence In terms of image, prestige, fame, power, which looks like a lot of people willing to dedicate their lives to get these things into forgetting that the goal of life is. Life imbalance Family fails Deteriorating health Or even for society and the environment is worsening. Because people for their own benefit many people who have money in abundance. But still not happy The family failed Relationships at home with parents and children, husbands and wives are not compatible. In the house, but the Restless. Not find peace Some have plenty money to be happy. This compares with a richer look. He will be more than happy to feel confident feel superior. Some people are unhappy because they have to keep watch to cheat people come to rob and steal from misappropriation. You need to think of ways to prevent and detect all the time ??