In general, a product is defined as a "thing produced by labor or effort" or the "result of an act or a process. " The word "product" stems from the verb "produce", from the Latin prōdūce(re) "(to) lead or bring forth. " Since 1575, the word "product" has referred to anything produced.
In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In retail, products are called merchandise. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and sold as finished goods. Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural products, but the term can also refer to anything widely available in the open market. In project management, products are the formal definition of the project deliverables that form the objectives of the project.
Production may fall into any of the following :
1. shaping a new product is to cause a change in the shape of various inputs to achieve its look and shape you want to add to the pleasure. use And most consumers
2. Mobility products Is to change the compositions To bring the benefits and healing powers more needs
3. Product Collection The waiting time required to maintain a certain product for a long time to improve and add value
4. Making the ownership of the property changed hands, such as acting as a broker selling the house. As helped carry out the transfer of ownership of the house from one person to another. The new owners will be very pleased to be in possession of their home.