The experiment was carried out to study the effects of roughage types on feed intake and
nutrient digestibilities in swamp buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Three rumen-fistulated buffaloes,
about 5 years of age with average liveweight of 500+56 kg, were allotted to receive one of the three
roughage sources according to a 3x3 Latin square design with extra period. The dietary treatments
were as follows: rice straw (RS), urea-treated rice straw (UTS) and cassava hay (CH). Buffaloes
were offered roughage ad libitum and accessed to clean water freely. Four experimental periods
were employed and each period lasted for 21 days. In each period, the animals were adjusted for 14
days to feed and voluntary intake was measured then followed by total collection method during the
last 7 days. The results showed that voluntary roughage intake of buffalo fed UTS (2.05 %BW) was
slightly higher (P>0.05) than those in buffalo fed CH and RS (1.94 and 1.68 %BW). Apparent
digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter and neutral-detergent fiber in buffalo fed UTS (64.6,
69.8, and 70.1 %) were significantly higher (P0.05) among treatments. Crude protein digestibility of buffalo fed CH (74.0 %) was
significantly higher (P