Yup, you said the truth. I agree that I hide something to everyone including natty. But 1 more thing I no tell you ( actually I no plan to tell anyone) is I separated stay with my wife since year 2013. But for responsibility I still need to take care my daughter (money for education and food). I had plan to told natty about this in May. But now I do not think I had this chance anymore. Honestly tell you after together with natty for few day I think she is nice not because she look nice but her heart is good. She give me confident. I choose to believe her. I just worries she no accept my 'pass' if I tell the truth. That why I always told her give me some more time. Anyway if you have chance please help to explain to natty or bee bee. Hope I still can rescue the relationship with natty. Believe everyone also have "story". Sometimes just fell that no want to share out. Just because I no think so that pride. Again I fell sorry to natty... Don't worries I'm ok we still friend rite. I just fell that no want breakup with Natty because my "pass". Last, hope you understand my situation. Sorry for rite too much.