Portland cement has been effectively used to improve the engineering properties of some
local soils for construction of stabilized pavement layers, stabilized earth buildings and
support layer for the foundation of buildings. However, cement is expensive and its use is
unsustainable, necessitating the search for alternative materials for its total or partial
replacement. This paper aims at providing experimental insights on the engineering
properties of lateritic soil stabilized with cement-corncob ash (CCA) to ascertain its
suitability for use as a pavement layer material. Series of specific gravity, consistency limits,
compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR) and permeability tests, considering three CCA
blends and four CCA contents, varying from 0 to 12%, were carried out. The results show
that the addition of CCA to the soil generally reduced its plasticity, swell potential and
permeability; and increased its strength. CCA-stabilization, aside being more economical and
environment-friendly than cement-stabilization, improved the geotechnical properties of the
soil for pavement layer material application.
Portland cement has been effectively used to improve the engineering properties of somelocal soils for construction of stabilized pavement layers, stabilized earth buildings andsupport layer for the foundation of buildings. However, cement is expensive and its use isunsustainable, necessitating the search for alternative materials for its total or partialreplacement. This paper aims at providing experimental insights on the engineeringproperties of lateritic soil stabilized with cement-corncob ash (CCA) to ascertain itssuitability for use as a pavement layer material. Series of specific gravity, consistency limits,compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR) and permeability tests, considering three CCAblends and four CCA contents, varying from 0 to 12%, were carried out. The results showthat the addition of CCA to the soil generally reduced its plasticity, swell potential andpermeability; and increased its strength. CCA-stabilization, aside being more economical andenvironment-friendly than cement-stabilization, improved the geotechnical properties of thesoil for pavement layer material application.
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