He let his gaze linger on her face. ‘I came to see you,’ he answered affectionately.
‘Annnnnddddd that’s my cue to leave,’ Geun Suk suddenly blurted out, after a long, awkward silence.
Shin Hye pushed Min Ho away, her senses seemingly back after hearing Geun Suk’s voice. She saw him stride to the couch and pick up his jacket.
‘OPPA!’ Shin Hye yelled out and ran to him. She took another look back at Min Ho before yanking Geun Suk’s arm hard.
‘Ya! That hurts,’ he frowned. ‘You should know by now that you’re very strong for a girl.’
‘What is he doing here?’ She asked through gritted teeth, keeping her voice low.
Geun Suk’s expression changed, and now looked guilty. ‘I know I should have informed you beforehand. But I was sure that if I told you Lee Min Ho flew from Seoul just to see you and was now waiting at my villa, you wouldn’t have come with me.’
She scowled. ‘Of course I wouldn’t have come! Since when were you on his side? Is this why you’ve been acting weird the whole day?’
‘I’m not on anyone’s side!’ He snapped back. ‘And why are we whispering? He’s just over there – he can hear us,’ Geun Suk pointed at Min Ho. Shin Hye looked back at the tall man by the stairs who gave her a pout and a slight nod.
‘Aish,’ Shin Hye grumbled.
Geun Suk smoothed down his sleeve when Shin Hye let his arm go. ‘I’ve been nervous the whole day thinking I might not be able to keep this secret from you. You know that we can both see through each other. Anyway, since my job here is done…’
Shin Hye huffed in annoyance. ‘If you’re leaving, I’m coming with you.’
Geun Suk sighed and gripped Shin Hye’s wrist. He walked toward the stairs, dragging her with him. He propped her in front of Min Ho, much to Shin Hye’s resistance. But Geun Suk held her in place so eventually, she gave up.
‘This is the last time I’m getting in between you two.’ Geun Suk turned to Shin Hye. ‘I’m tired of you lying to my face saying that you’ve made up your mind because it’s clear you haven’t. Once and for all, just listen to what the guy has to say, eo? Everything you told me – it’s about time those words are heard by the right ears.’
He turned to Min Ho, his expression dark. ‘You. This is your last chance. Mess it up and it’s over. We can’t be friends anymore if you hurt her again.’ Geun Suk crossed his arms. ‘Look, you two. I’m doing this because you obviously have some unfinished business and you need to talk about it. I don’t know if at the end of this, you’ll go your separate ways or get back together. That’s up to you. But at least sort it out and don’t leave things open-ended.’ Geun Suk ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. ‘Because if you don’t talk this out, it’ll just be hard for you both. And most especially, it will be hard for me – since apparently, I’m the only friend you two share.’ He hissed.
Shin Hye thought Geun Suk was kidding, but he sounded and looked so serious. Even if he had good intentions, he wasn’t really expecting her to stay with Min Ho in his villa tonight, right? She was panicking inside; she was totally unprepared for this.
Geun Suk turned to leave, but a frantic-looking Shin Hye held his arm back. ‘Do you have to go? You haven’t had dinner.’ She knew it was cruel to make Geun Suk stay back and be the buffer between the two of them but Shin Hye wasn’t sure if she can trust herself alone with Min Ho.
‘No way,’ Geun Suk replied automatically. ‘I’m not going to be the third wheel again. And besides, I have a party waiting for me.’ He smirked and sauntered to the door. ‘Take care of my house. You owe me, Lee Min Ho. Sorry again, Shin Hye. Annyeong!’
And he was gone.
Min Ho bit his lower lip, expecting a verbal beating from Shin Hye. He knew she’d be furious, but he had already prepared for that. The worst thing that could happen tonight was her insisting that Min Ho send her back to the hotel immediately. And even then, the trip to Jeju would have been worth it if he could get a few minutes with her in the car. He could say his piece while he drove, and she would have no choice but to listen to what he has to say.
Because he had finished thinking things through, weighing every option, analysing every risk, and listening to his heart. He finally arrived at a conclusion. All that was left now was to tell Shin Hye… and hope to God she feels the same way.
After that night of confrontation at his pad, he tracked down Shin Hye’s schedule for that day and found out that she was going to shoot a commercial with Jang Geun Suk. So he called one of his former staff who now worked for Geun Suk and asked where the location of the shoot was going to be, and around what time it was going to end.
He had gotten all the pertinent information, and proceeded to wait outside the set. He caught a glimpse of Shin Hye and the rest of her staff exit the building and make their way to her company’s van. Min Ho’s heart fluttered upon seeing her, even if it was just for a second. He watched their van leave the premises, while he continued to wait in his car. Because he didn’t come for her. After around 20 minutes, Geun Suk and his staff emerged from inside.
Min Ho, who was holding his phone, pressed the call button right away. He observed as Geun Suk take one look at his phone’s screen and grimace. Jashik. Just answer it. He waved to his staff who walked to a van, while he made his way to a fancier car. He still wasn’t answering, and Min Ho actually considered getting out of his car and walking up to the guy if he ignores the call.
Luckily, he answered.
‘Wae?’ Geun Suk spoke as Min Ho saw him get into his car.
‘You could at least sound happier to hear from me,’ he quipped.
‘I’m not happy at all. As a matter of fact, you called at the worst time. I’m annoyed at your ex-girlfriend, which means I'm annoyed at you, too.’
Min Ho frowned. ‘Why? What happened?’
‘You don’t have to know,’ Geun Suk retorted dryly. ‘But I’ll give you a hint. Let’s just say she’s not only lying to me, but she’s also lying to herself. Also, why do girls do that – you know, say one thing, but obviously mean another? This is why I’d rather stay single.’
Min Ho hissed. ‘You’re single because you haven’t met the one.’
He heard Geun Suk’s icy chuckle. ‘Yeah, right. And you have? Didn’t you let ‘the one’ go?’
‘That’s why I called,’ Min Ho countered. ‘You’re inside your car, right? Don’t drive away yet. Do you see the black Equus to your left? The one in front of the Japanese restaurant? I’m in it.’
Geun Suk didn’t say anything more, but Min Ho saw him come out of his car and cross the street. Without a word, he opened the passenger door and stepped inside.
Min Ho hung up and turned to him. ‘Well… you’re easy.’
‘Not so fast,’ Geun Suk narrowed his eyes at him. ‘What makes you think I’ll help you win her back?’
Min Ho crossed his arms, looking amused. ‘What makes you think I want to win her back?’
‘So are you here for me? Is it me you want to win back? Because I can’t be with you if Shin Hye hates you.’
Min Ho broke into a smile and let out a laugh. Geun Suk had his quirks, but he couldn’t not like the guy.
‘So. What does Lee Min Ho want from me?’ Geun Suk asked again.
Min Ho heaved a sigh and focused on the steering wheel. ‘I love Shin Hye. I don’t think I’ve loved anyone as much as her. It was stupid of me to let her go. But I know now that I can’t live without her. I refuse to live without her.’
‘Why are you telling me? Shouldn’t you be telling her that?’
‘That’s why I need your help,’ Min Ho turned to him, looking desperate. ‘You’re going to shoot in Jeju next week, right? I want to talk to her there. I heard you own a villa.’
Geun Suk’s eyes widened as he gasped. ‘Ottoke arasso? That’s supposed to be a secret purchase.’
‘I have my ways.’
‘Wait a minute,’ Geun Suk waved Min Ho off, trying to go back to the topic. ‘Didn’t I already establish that I’ve changed my mind about you after you broke up with her? I even threatened to punch you, ima. Why in the world would I help you out?’
‘Because you know I’m still the man for her. I just… tripped,’ Min Ho said carefully. ‘But I won’t trip anymore. There’s no way I’d hurt her again. Believe me.’
Geun Suk leaned back and pressed his lips together. Min Ho waited. He wasn’t going to push Geun Suk into getting his way. He was one of Shin Hye’s closest friends. If he wanted her back, he needed Geun Suk to trust him again.
After a long while, Geun Suk turned to him, his fingers on his chin, looking serious. ‘I heard you’re the new ambassador for Jeju Air.’
Min Ho furrowed his brows, confused. ‘Uhh… yeah. We’re signing the contract in public on Saturday. Why?’
‘I want one year’s worth of free round-trip plane rides to Jeju.’
Geun Suk looked away and folded his arms. ‘That’s my condition,’ he said haughtily. ‘Payment for me agreeing to help you with this plan, and for the use of my precious villa.’
Min Ho gawked at him for a few seconds before he laughed, dumbfounded. ‘What, no speeches about not hurting Shin Hye again? And how I should be a good man for her and stuff?’
Geun Suk smirked. ‘You look like you already know what you’re supposed to do. I just want freebies.’
Instead of a verbal beating, as Min Ho had expected, Shin Hye turned to him with a passive expression on her face. ‘I swear, you and Jang Geun Suk are a dangerous pair. I shouldn’t have introduced you two. Biggest regret of my life.’
Min Ho tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably because he can’t keep his lips from twitching upward. ‘So you’re staying?’ He asked, sounding more than eager.
Shin Hye rolled her eyes. ‘Like I have a choice in the matter,’ she said as she walked to the dining table and took a seat. ‘How did you get him to agree to this anyway?’
He grinned widely as he followed her.
He let his gaze linger on her face. ‘I came to see you,’ he answered affectionately.
‘Annnnnddddd that’s my cue to leave,’ Geun Suk suddenly blurted out, after a long, awkward silence.
Shin Hye pushed Min Ho away, her senses seemingly back after hearing Geun Suk’s voice. She saw him stride to the couch and pick up his jacket.
‘OPPA!’ Shin Hye yelled out and ran to him. She took another look back at Min Ho before yanking Geun Suk’s arm hard.
‘Ya! That hurts,’ he frowned. ‘You should know by now that you’re very strong for a girl.’
‘What is he doing here?’ She asked through gritted teeth, keeping her voice low.
Geun Suk’s expression changed, and now looked guilty. ‘I know I should have informed you beforehand. But I was sure that if I told you Lee Min Ho flew from Seoul just to see you and was now waiting at my villa, you wouldn’t have come with me.’
She scowled. ‘Of course I wouldn’t have come! Since when were you on his side? Is this why you’ve been acting weird the whole day?’
‘I’m not on anyone’s side!’ He snapped back. ‘And why are we whispering? He’s just over there – he can hear us,’ Geun Suk pointed at Min Ho. Shin Hye looked back at the tall man by the stairs who gave her a pout and a slight nod.
‘Aish,’ Shin Hye grumbled.
Geun Suk smoothed down his sleeve when Shin Hye let his arm go. ‘I’ve been nervous the whole day thinking I might not be able to keep this secret from you. You know that we can both see through each other. Anyway, since my job here is done…’
Shin Hye huffed in annoyance. ‘If you’re leaving, I’m coming with you.’
Geun Suk sighed and gripped Shin Hye’s wrist. He walked toward the stairs, dragging her with him. He propped her in front of Min Ho, much to Shin Hye’s resistance. But Geun Suk held her in place so eventually, she gave up.
‘This is the last time I’m getting in between you two.’ Geun Suk turned to Shin Hye. ‘I’m tired of you lying to my face saying that you’ve made up your mind because it’s clear you haven’t. Once and for all, just listen to what the guy has to say, eo? Everything you told me – it’s about time those words are heard by the right ears.’
He turned to Min Ho, his expression dark. ‘You. This is your last chance. Mess it up and it’s over. We can’t be friends anymore if you hurt her again.’ Geun Suk crossed his arms. ‘Look, you two. I’m doing this because you obviously have some unfinished business and you need to talk about it. I don’t know if at the end of this, you’ll go your separate ways or get back together. That’s up to you. But at least sort it out and don’t leave things open-ended.’ Geun Suk ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated. ‘Because if you don’t talk this out, it’ll just be hard for you both. And most especially, it will be hard for me – since apparently, I’m the only friend you two share.’ He hissed.
Shin Hye thought Geun Suk was kidding, but he sounded and looked so serious. Even if he had good intentions, he wasn’t really expecting her to stay with Min Ho in his villa tonight, right? She was panicking inside; she was totally unprepared for this.
Geun Suk turned to leave, but a frantic-looking Shin Hye held his arm back. ‘Do you have to go? You haven’t had dinner.’ She knew it was cruel to make Geun Suk stay back and be the buffer between the two of them but Shin Hye wasn’t sure if she can trust herself alone with Min Ho.
‘No way,’ Geun Suk replied automatically. ‘I’m not going to be the third wheel again. And besides, I have a party waiting for me.’ He smirked and sauntered to the door. ‘Take care of my house. You owe me, Lee Min Ho. Sorry again, Shin Hye. Annyeong!’
And he was gone.
Min Ho bit his lower lip, expecting a verbal beating from Shin Hye. He knew she’d be furious, but he had already prepared for that. The worst thing that could happen tonight was her insisting that Min Ho send her back to the hotel immediately. And even then, the trip to Jeju would have been worth it if he could get a few minutes with her in the car. He could say his piece while he drove, and she would have no choice but to listen to what he has to say.
Because he had finished thinking things through, weighing every option, analysing every risk, and listening to his heart. He finally arrived at a conclusion. All that was left now was to tell Shin Hye… and hope to God she feels the same way.
After that night of confrontation at his pad, he tracked down Shin Hye’s schedule for that day and found out that she was going to shoot a commercial with Jang Geun Suk. So he called one of his former staff who now worked for Geun Suk and asked where the location of the shoot was going to be, and around what time it was going to end.
He had gotten all the pertinent information, and proceeded to wait outside the set. He caught a glimpse of Shin Hye and the rest of her staff exit the building and make their way to her company’s van. Min Ho’s heart fluttered upon seeing her, even if it was just for a second. He watched their van leave the premises, while he continued to wait in his car. Because he didn’t come for her. After around 20 minutes, Geun Suk and his staff emerged from inside.
Min Ho, who was holding his phone, pressed the call button right away. He observed as Geun Suk take one look at his phone’s screen and grimace. Jashik. Just answer it. He waved to his staff who walked to a van, while he made his way to a fancier car. He still wasn’t answering, and Min Ho actually considered getting out of his car and walking up to the guy if he ignores the call.
Luckily, he answered.
‘Wae?’ Geun Suk spoke as Min Ho saw him get into his car.
‘You could at least sound happier to hear from me,’ he quipped.
‘I’m not happy at all. As a matter of fact, you called at the worst time. I’m annoyed at your ex-girlfriend, which means I'm annoyed at you, too.’
Min Ho frowned. ‘Why? What happened?’
‘You don’t have to know,’ Geun Suk retorted dryly. ‘But I’ll give you a hint. Let’s just say she’s not only lying to me, but she’s also lying to herself. Also, why do girls do that – you know, say one thing, but obviously mean another? This is why I’d rather stay single.’
Min Ho hissed. ‘You’re single because you haven’t met the one.’
He heard Geun Suk’s icy chuckle. ‘Yeah, right. And you have? Didn’t you let ‘the one’ go?’
‘That’s why I called,’ Min Ho countered. ‘You’re inside your car, right? Don’t drive away yet. Do you see the black Equus to your left? The one in front of the Japanese restaurant? I’m in it.’
Geun Suk didn’t say anything more, but Min Ho saw him come out of his car and cross the street. Without a word, he opened the passenger door and stepped inside.
Min Ho hung up and turned to him. ‘Well… you’re easy.’
‘Not so fast,’ Geun Suk narrowed his eyes at him. ‘What makes you think I’ll help you win her back?’
Min Ho crossed his arms, looking amused. ‘What makes you think I want to win her back?’
‘So are you here for me? Is it me you want to win back? Because I can’t be with you if Shin Hye hates you.’
Min Ho broke into a smile and let out a laugh. Geun Suk had his quirks, but he couldn’t not like the guy.
‘So. What does Lee Min Ho want from me?’ Geun Suk asked again.
Min Ho heaved a sigh and focused on the steering wheel. ‘I love Shin Hye. I don’t think I’ve loved anyone as much as her. It was stupid of me to let her go. But I know now that I can’t live without her. I refuse to live without her.’
‘Why are you telling me? Shouldn’t you be telling her that?’
‘That’s why I need your help,’ Min Ho turned to him, looking desperate. ‘You’re going to shoot in Jeju next week, right? I want to talk to her there. I heard you own a villa.’
Geun Suk’s eyes widened as he gasped. ‘Ottoke arasso? That’s supposed to be a secret purchase.’
‘I have my ways.’
‘Wait a minute,’ Geun Suk waved Min Ho off, trying to go back to the topic. ‘Didn’t I already establish that I’ve changed my mind about you after you broke up with her? I even threatened to punch you, ima. Why in the world would I help you out?’
‘Because you know I’m still the man for her. I just… tripped,’ Min Ho said carefully. ‘But I won’t trip anymore. There’s no way I’d hurt her again. Believe me.’
Geun Suk leaned back and pressed his lips together. Min Ho waited. He wasn’t going to push Geun Suk into getting his way. He was one of Shin Hye’s closest friends. If he wanted her back, he needed Geun Suk to trust him again.
After a long while, Geun Suk turned to him, his fingers on his chin, looking serious. ‘I heard you’re the new ambassador for Jeju Air.’
Min Ho furrowed his brows, confused. ‘Uhh… yeah. We’re signing the contract in public on Saturday. Why?’
‘I want one year’s worth of free round-trip plane rides to Jeju.’
Geun Suk looked away and folded his arms. ‘That’s my condition,’ he said haughtily. ‘Payment for me agreeing to help you with this plan, and for the use of my precious villa.’
Min Ho gawked at him for a few seconds before he laughed, dumbfounded. ‘What, no speeches about not hurting Shin Hye again? And how I should be a good man for her and stuff?’
Geun Suk smirked. ‘You look like you already know what you’re supposed to do. I just want freebies.’
Instead of a verbal beating, as Min Ho had expected, Shin Hye turned to him with a passive expression on her face. ‘I swear, you and Jang Geun Suk are a dangerous pair. I shouldn’t have introduced you two. Biggest regret of my life.’
Min Ho tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably because he can’t keep his lips from twitching upward. ‘So you’re staying?’ He asked, sounding more than eager.
Shin Hye rolled her eyes. ‘Like I have a choice in the matter,’ she said as she walked to the dining table and took a seat. ‘How did you get him to agree to this anyway?’
He grinned widely as he followed her.
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