The pigs were stunned by carbon dioxide and slaughtered according
to the normal commercial slaughter procedure. Carcass lean meat
content was measured from the warm carcass ca. 35 min after stunning
with a Hennessy Grading probe GP4 (Hennessy Grading
Systems, Auckland, New Zealand). The first fat depth measurement
(S1) was taken at the last rib, 8 cm from the mid line, and the second
fat depth (S2) and loin depth (LD) measurements between the 12th
and 13th ribs, 6 cm from the mid line.
The carcasses of two pigs per litter (one barrow and one gilt) were
cut three to five days post mortem and the loin (M. longissimus dorsi)
was dissected and weighed. The cross-sectional area of the loin was
measured at 11–12 rib by taking a picture of the loin surface and measuring
the area with image analysis software (KS300, Carl Zeiss Vision
GmbH, Germany).