While it is important to our experience and sanity not to loose these experiences of
spacetime dimensions, there are likely to be advantages to facilitate the activities of the
global organization. Having historical records in terms of pictures, texts, and statistics
– the archives of the organization – always and instantaneously available to us, makes
the past appear always present. Having simulation, modeling, and future study
scenarios always and instantaneously available to us, makes the future appear always
present, in that we can engage in study of possible futures aiding decision making and
action plans on an ongoing basis, making daily to weekly adjustments that have
ramifications for the organization at large. In other words, time shrinks and expands as
we deem it helpful to our participation in the global organization. Given the global
outreach and interconnectedness that defines the global organization, our thinking has
a tendency to work with our territory that is now planetary, even though we can with a
blink of an eye realize all the lesser levels of locality subsumed under the global level.
Space is experienced as expansive in the global organization. Once the human
organization is established as a global organization, the global level is taken for
granted as the basic level of operations and point of reference to and from which all
interactions of the human activity system must be understood.