The results of the follow-up study showed that recurrences of Vicharchika (Eczema) in Shamana group was in 80% patients, whereas recurrence reported in Shamana and Rasayana administered after Koshtha Shuddhi was only in 10.5% patients.[6] However, in the present study where Shamana and Rasayana were administered afterVirechana, only 8.3% patients reported recurrence of the disease with few symptoms.
It is obvious from the foregoing that the Rasayana and Shamana drugs administered to the patients ofVicharchika after performing Virechana provided far better relief to the patients in comparison with when the above drugs administered only after Koshtha Shuddhi performed with Aragvadha Hima.
On the basis of the results of this study, it may be concluded that addition of Virechana Karma prior to the administration of Guduchi-Bhringaraja Rasayana, Shirishadi decoction, and Snuhyadi Lepa significantly increased the cure rate to 81.3% and checked the recurrence of Vicharchika (Eczema) because in this group, no recurrence was reported by 91.7% patients.