4. Conclusions
HPP treatment could be applied for the inactivation of microorganism, and they were microbiologically safe (TPC < 2.4 log10 CFU/mL, Y&M were not detected) during 60-day storage at 4 °C. Compared with TP treatment, HPP-treated samples provided more fresh-like quality in color, aroma, taste and overall acceptability. Moreover, HPP treatment is better in retaining the characteristic flavor of pickled radish. Maybe TP could destroy useful microorganisms whereas HPP may inhibit harmful microorganisms, which is in accordance with the significant decrease of TPC in TP-treated samples. Findings of this study could help processors commercialize HPP in developing pickled radish to replace TP. However, to effectively promote these technologies, consumer education is still needed to increase awareness of the advantages these technologies have for foods. More studies are necessary to explain the change on quality of pickles treated by HPP. Effects on fish and meat treated by HPP should be evaluated for further research.