Beta Electic Ltd. has a new factory in the Rojana Industial Estate, Ayutthaya Province .
lt manufactures electrical appliances such as fans, toasters, microwave ovens etc.
You can see the factory buildings in the picture.
The office block is the tall building on the right.
The General Manager's office the third floor.
The personnel and training office are on the second floor.
The car park is behind the office block.
The long and low buildings on the left are the production workshops and next to them is the canteen.
The small building in front of the production workshops is the clock station.
The glass building across from the office block is the showroom.
The buildings at the back are the warehouse, the dispatch house, the maintenance and repair workshop.
The dispatch house is on the far left.
Next to it is the warehouse.
The maintenance and repair workshop is behind the production workshops/