The beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramicus W ALKER (fig. I) is the most important forest insect pest of teak, Tectona grandis LJNN. Teak trees in the plantation are evidently more susceptible than those in tbe mixed natural forests. The biology and ecology of this insect in Burma have been recorded in detail by B EES ON (1921) . T he borer attacks only living tree from sapling through maturity, it does not kill the tree, but causes a severe defect inside the heartwood which greatly reduce quality and value of the marketable timber. The pest is
generally distributed throughout natural teak forests of Southeastern Asia.
According to a recent work on control measures made during 1963-1965 in the teak plantations of Northern Thailand, a successful test for innoculation and establishment of a fungal disease, Beauveria
bassiana (BALSOMO) VUILLEMIN was made upon the beehole larvae. The result leads to a possible biological control of this forest insect pest that still need a further research on proper techniques for disse- minating the micro-organism in a broad scale.
IntroductionThe beehole borer, Xyleutes ceramicus W ALKER (fig. I) is the most important forest insect pest of teak, Tectona grandis LJNN. Teak trees in the plantation are evidently more susceptible than those in tbe mixed natural forests. The biology and ecology of this insect in Burma have been recorded in detail by B EES ON (1921) . T he borer attacks only living tree from sapling through maturity, it does not kill the tree, but causes a severe defect inside the heartwood which greatly reduce quality and value of the marketable timber. The pest isgenerally distributed throughout natural teak forests of Southeastern Asia.According to a recent work on control measures made during 1963-1965 in the teak plantations of Northern Thailand, a successful test for innoculation and establishment of a fungal disease, Beauveriabassiana (BALSOMO) VUILLEMIN was made upon the beehole larvae. The result leads to a possible biological control of this forest insect pest that still need a further research on proper techniques for disse- minating the micro-organism in a broad scale.
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