My name is Idaly Giraldo, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in november/2011, the oncologist said that I needed to be operated as soon as posible because the cancer was very advanced (stage 3). The surgery took place in december 15/2011, I had ascites (presence of fluid in the peritoneal cavity) and pleural effussion, because of that I couldn`t breathe and I was conneted to a breathing machine.
I was in and out of the hospital several times but my health did not improve at all, I couldn`t breathe, I couldn`t eat, I couldn`t sleep, I couldn`t walk, I couldn`t talk and I was losing weight so dramatically, I was deteriorating so quickly before the eyes of my entire family that did not know what else they could do for me and of course they were already expecting the worse, the doctors said, I had only 3 months to live.
The last time I went out the hospital was in february 13/2012, the doctors sent me home with a prescription of 8 medicaments including morphine, my weight was already 35 kilos and I was so weak that I couldn`t hold myself even for one second.
Some day my sister came home with the MMS and she said that it was a miracle mineral supplement , that we should try everything possible to save my life and she said please take it, my first reation was a denial because I was in the middle of a weakness so terrible that I thought I would not be able to withstand the possible side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea of which she had told me and I began to cry; my family kept insisting that it was our last chance and That I must try it.
I finally summoned up the courage and faith that I needed and I started to take the MMS to my surprise I did`n have any of the side effects, therefore I felt I should continue take it even more determined , I must confess that I started to feel the benefits of MMS from day number one because not only it did not produce any adverse reaction but I started to feel an incredible appetite, after the first day I was already asking for food, since then everything has been a wonderful process, the following week I was taking my first steps, then I got rid of the oxigen tank.
When I felt my body was renewed every day more and more I said to myself : now, I must get rid of these medicaments because I did not longer have any pain and I wanted to dedicate to take this wonderful supplement that I felt brought so many benefits to my life. I started gaining weight and 20 days later I went out and wanted to do things by myself.
Nowadays my life is back to normal, I have my normal weight which is 57 kilos, my last appointment with the oncologist was in november 20/2012 and all my test came out perfectly normal.
All those that saw me totally consumed by the disease are surprised when they see me and they say : that I am a living miracle !!!
I should clarify that my treatment with MMS was complement by a cycle of 6 chemotherapies, but as the doctor said I don't need more.
I am very grateful to God for this wonderful miracle and allowing me to get back to life, he is the one who puts these resources in our way to be used with great discipline and great faith.
I hope that this testimony will be helpful to many people around the world suffering from these terrible diseases that scourge mankind, I read a lot about this product and I have been participating in many internet forumst with people from around the world that already know the benefits of this supplement.
Thank you very much Mr. Jim Humble for this wonderfil gift you has given to humankind!!!!
thanks for reading this testimony
kind regards,
Idaly Giraldo