4.4 Are the Perceptions of the Respondents in Relation to the Reasons/factors Significantly Influenced by the Demographic Information?
ANOVA and Scheffe post hoc tests as well as T-tests were applied to test the significant differences among the demographic variables in relation to the reasons of beverage choice. The ANOVA tests showed significant discrepancies among age differences in four areas; the Scheffe test, however, detected only two areas of “health benefits” and “vogues and fashion” at the level of .05 (see Table 7). Respondents aged between 31 and 40 expressed a higher endorsement on “health benefits” as an important factor than those aged 21 to 30. Younger people (under 20) deemed “vogues and fashion” more important than did older respondents (above 40). As for the occupation variable, a significant difference was found at the .05 level, with housewives perceiving heath benefits to be more important than did students. The ANOVA tests also indicated that significant discrepancies existed among people with different income levels in three areas; nevertheless, only the two areas of “fair price” and “vogues and fashion” were confirmed by the Scheffe test at the .05 level (see Table 7). The result showed people with a low monthly income of less than NTD $16,500 rated fair price higher as a considered factor than did those with a high monthly income of more than NTD $30,000 and people with an income between NTD $16,500 and NTD $30,000 held a higher agreement on vogues and fashion than those with an income of over NTD $30,000 per month.