2.4. Chemical Analysis
All the glassware used for the analysis of the samples
was cleaned carefully to avoid contamination. Briefly, all
the glassware was soaked in 5% nitric acid solution for
24 h and washed with distilled water followed and dried
in an electrical oven.
The analytical method of BTs was conducted based on
the procedure, simultaneous extraction into hexane and
hydridization by NaBH4, previously described [32-36],
with, however, some light changes. The analytical pro-
tocol consists of two steps:
First step: four tubes for centrifugation are used, in
each one, puts 5 g of pooled tissues. The mixture of each
tube was extracted with 20 ml of HCl 2N (centrifugation
with 2500 rpm during 10 mn). The supernatant liquid
was recovered in a clean erlen. The process of extraction
is repeated twice under the same conditions.
2.4. Chemical Analysis
All the glassware used for the analysis of the samples
was cleaned carefully to avoid contamination. Briefly, all
the glassware was soaked in 5% nitric acid solution for
24 h and washed with distilled water followed and dried
in an electrical oven.
The analytical method of BTs was conducted based on
the procedure, simultaneous extraction into hexane and
hydridization by NaBH4, previously described [32-36],
with, however, some light changes. The analytical pro-
tocol consists of two steps:
First step: four tubes for centrifugation are used, in
each one, puts 5 g of pooled tissues. The mixture of each
tube was extracted with 20 ml of HCl 2N (centrifugation
with 2500 rpm during 10 mn). The supernatant liquid
was recovered in a clean erlen. The process of extraction
is repeated twice under the same conditions.
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