Brunei Darussalam is a 5,765 square meter (roughly the same as Mie Prefecture in Japan) country with oil and natural gas resources that is located on the island of Borneo adjacent to Malaysia. It covers its own energy use through oil and natural gas, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. For this reason it had minimal interest in the use of renewable energies, but due to mounting worldwide interest in this and in order to diversify its energy sources and bolster its energy security it set out a goal of adopting 10% electricity from renewable energies in 2035 in the Energy White Paper presented by its Energy Department in 2011.
One example to date where this has been introduced is the Tenaga Suria Solar Power Plant being carried out jointly between the Brunei government and Mitsubishi Corporation. This is a power plant with a 1.2 MW installed capacity that uses six types of solar cells. The partners gathered data for three years from 2010 to 2012 and evaluated the regional characteristics of the solar cells and the commercial viability for generating power with the aim of promulgating solar power generating projects thereafter. Aside from this, demonstration projects with regional characteristics are being carried out like those for the installation of solar power on offshore platforms for oil and gas and floating structures. In addition, evaluations are also being performed on the commercial viability of introducing waste power generation (20 MW) and offshore wind turbines (16 - 20 MW).