Wait a minute said Professor Brainy. I have an idea. The Computer in his started to make some noises. I need some paper and a pan. The kite was in a paper bag said Harry. Use this . There’s a pen in your pocket. The Professor listened to the noises the computer was making. Than he started to write something on the paper. The noises stopped. The inventor gave the paper to Harry.
Harry goes home
Can you go home on the bicycle said the Professor and make this for me?. Harry said he could. You will need some *rope the inventor added. And bring the ladder you made for the two robbers. It was too thin for them, but we will be able to use it. I will do it as quickly as possible, said Harry.He got on the bike and rode away.
He came back about an hour later. The Professor was sitting under the tree, wearing his hat. Harry thought that the Professor was asleep.
Up in the tree Reg was trying to talk to two little birds. Wake up,Professor said Harry.I have all the things you wanted. Oh, yes good said Professor Brainy. I was not asleep, I was listening to my computer. He stood up. I see you have made the machine. Good.
Harry was carrying something with wheels on it.
‘Those are *pulleys, said the Professor ‘ Have you got the rope?The rope was on the bike, tied round the ladder. Herry put all the things on the ground. How to we get all these up to Reg? he asked. We know the ladder is not strong enough. The Professor did not say anything. He picked up a piece of wood and put it across another piece. This made a sort of *see-saw. The inventor put the pulleys and rope on one end. Now,Harry he said you are heavier than I am.Will you please jump on the other end of the see-saw? Harry looked surprised. Me-jump? Said Harry. What for? You’ll see, said Professor Brainy. Reg … Yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot. I am still here. Get ready to catch this.Harry,jump!
Harry jumped on the end of the piece of wood.It went down and the other end went up. The pulleys and the rope were thrown up in the air.Reg caught them and the Professor told him what to do. Reg put the pullers on the tree. The Professor tied the ladder to one end of the rope.Then he pulled on the other end and the ladder was lifted up to Reg. Now, Harry said the Professor.Tie the rope round you. I will pull the other end and you will be able to climb the tree.
Harry did what the Professor said. Soon he was up the tree with Reg.Harry helped Reg to move his arms and legs. What do we do now? Harry shouted to the Professor. Yes,Pro-fess-or,said Reg.The kite is at the top of the tree and we are half-way up. Oh,really Reg said the Professor.You have the ladder with you.. Ah,yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot, I un-der-stand.In the tree the lad-der is strong e-nough. Harry can climb up and I will hold it.He will not get stuck. Quite right said the Professor. Good ! said Harry.Ther put the ladder up against the tree and Harry climbed up.Now he could reach the kite.There you are, my pretty bird, he said.Downyou come. The bird’s wings were caught in the leaves of the tree.lt was not easy to move it.Harry did not want to tear the brightly coloured paper.But in a short time he held the kite in his hands again.
He brought it down theladder to Reg.They dropped the kite and the ladder down to the ground.
The professor picked them up.Then Harry climbed down the rope and Reg climbed down the tree .Harry was very pleased because he had his beautiful ‘bird’back again today. We will have to leave the pulleys in the tree, said the Professor. Per-haps we shall need them a-gain to-mor-row said Reg.
Come in, Harry said Professor Brainy. It’s good to see you again. How are you? I’m very well, thank you said Harry. I’ve brought you the machine you wanted. Harry was very clever with his hands. He made things for the Professor. The inventor drew pictures and wrote numbers on pieces of paper. Than Harry made the inventions. Ah, my telephone-dog said the Professor. Good! The Professor had invented a robot-dog to bring him the telephone. Now he could use the telephone in any room of the house. Harry put the telephone-dog down on the floor in front of the Professor. The inventor’s assistant came into the room. I do not like a - ni - mals said Reg.Reg was also a robot. I on – ly like birds. I’am going to call him Spot said Professor Brainy. He will bring me the teiephone when you are busy. I hope it – he! – will not get in my way said Reg. I am go – ing back to the kit-chen to mark the tea The Robot turned and went out of the door.
Reg is not happy Oh dear said the Professor. I don’t think Reg is very happy. Bow – wow! Said Spot.
You have given him a *bark said the Professor. That’s very good. You can turn off the bark said Harry. You switch off behind his left ear. Bow – wow! Said Spot. Stop that noise! Shouted Reg from the room. Is Miss Lee here? He said. I have made her some nice cakes. I like Miss Lee. She like my cakes. Miss Lee was Harry’s neighbor. Her house was in the same street as Harry’s house. She’s waiting in the car sald Harry. I’ll go and help her.
Miss Lee was *blind she could not see anything. Harry helped her out of the car and into the house. I will take this a – ni – mal out - said said Reg. We do not want it – him! – to be in the way. He picked Spot up and took the robot-dog in to the garden.
Miss Lee came into the room. She was alittle old lady with brown hair. She was carrying a basket. Hello,Professor she said. It’s very kind of you to *invite me to tea agai. I have brought you some fruit and som flowers from my garden. You are very kind, Miss Lee said the Professor. Please sit down. Harry helped Miss Lee to sit in a chair near the window. I think it is a nice day today said Miss Lee. I can hear the birds outsiad. They seem to be very happy.Harry and the Professor listened.The birds in the garden were singing. Reg likes birds, said Miss Lee. Is Reg here? Reg is in the garden said the Professor. Reg has made some cakes for your tea said Harry. Oh, that’s good said Miss Lee. I like Reg’s cakes.They are always very nice. The Professor called to Reg through the window. Miss Lee is here he said. Can we have our tea now? Miss Lee wants some of your cakes.
‘ I am try-ing to go to thekit-chen, said Reg crossly.But this a – ni – mal will not stay in the garden.It wants to fol-low me…’ Suddenly there was a loud noise. ‘ Bow-wow! said Spot, in the garden. Bow- wow! Bow-wow!’ ‘That dog ! said Miss Lee. You’ve got a dog. I do like dogs’ The Professor told Miss Lee that Spot was a robot. ‘So he doesn’t need anything to eat said Miss Lee.’ ‘That’s useful.’
Reg needs help
Reg,came into the room. He was very angry. ‘Pro – fess – or! Har – ry! Please help me. This a –ni – mal will not go a –way Reg saw Miss Lee. I am sorry,Miss Lee..’ ‘That’s all right, Reg said the old lady. Oh, is this your dog Spot? Spot came into the room and stood next to Miss Lee’s chair. Spot touched Miss Lee’s leg with his nose. It is not my dog said Reg. It is on – ly – a Ro – bot . Don’t be cross, Reg said Miss Lee. I think he is a very nice dog. And there is nothing wrong with robots. Bow – wow! said Spot Miss Lee touched the dog’s head and turned the switch behind his ear. The bark became quieter. ‘There, that’s better, said Miss Lee. Now, I would like some tea, please.
When Reg went out of the room, Spot did not follow him.The dog stayed next o Miss Lee’s chair. Reg came back with the tae. He put a cup of tea on a table next to Miss Lee’s chair. He looked crossly at Spot, who was sitting near Miss Lee’s feet. ‘would you like a cake , Miss Lee? Asked Reg,bringing the plate of cakes to her. Oh,yes please, Reg said Miss Lee.She ate three pieces of Reg’s cakes, because she liked them so much ‘ I do like coming to your house for tea, Professor she said when she had finished. I wish I could invite you all to come and visit me. But it is not easy for me to prepare a nice tea like this one. Harry said that he took Miss Lee to the shops and to the market. The shopkeepers and the stall people know what I usually buy she said.They are always very helpful.When Harry takes me home, helps me to put everything away. Then Iknow where it all is.
Life is not easy for Miss Lee
Miss Lee said that she could prepare her own food for herself. But it is harder to get thing ready for other people she said. Professor said Harry.Can’t you invent something to help Miss Lee? It is easy with fruit and vegetables said Miss Lee. I can touch them and small them ,so I know wath they are. It must be much harder with something in a packet said Harry.Miss Lee told him that packets were not too bad. There are many sorts of packets she said. And you can usually smell what is in them. You don’t use salt when you really want sugar then? said Miss Lee. And I always have a little taste to mark sure. Jars and tins are the hardest,because I can’t read *labels. When I have opened the tin or the jar, it is too late.
The Pr
Wait a minute said Professor Brainy. I have an idea. The Computer in his started to make some noises. I need some paper and a pan. The kite was in a paper bag said Harry. Use this . There’s a pen in your pocket. The Professor listened to the noises the computer was making. Than he started to write something on the paper. The noises stopped. The inventor gave the paper to Harry.
Harry goes home
Can you go home on the bicycle said the Professor and make this for me?. Harry said he could. You will need some *rope the inventor added. And bring the ladder you made for the two robbers. It was too thin for them, but we will be able to use it. I will do it as quickly as possible, said Harry.He got on the bike and rode away.
He came back about an hour later. The Professor was sitting under the tree, wearing his hat. Harry thought that the Professor was asleep.
Up in the tree Reg was trying to talk to two little birds. Wake up,Professor said Harry.I have all the things you wanted. Oh, yes good said Professor Brainy. I was not asleep, I was listening to my computer. He stood up. I see you have made the machine. Good.
Harry was carrying something with wheels on it.
‘Those are *pulleys, said the Professor ‘ Have you got the rope?The rope was on the bike, tied round the ladder. Herry put all the things on the ground. How to we get all these up to Reg? he asked. We know the ladder is not strong enough. The Professor did not say anything. He picked up a piece of wood and put it across another piece. This made a sort of *see-saw. The inventor put the pulleys and rope on one end. Now,Harry he said you are heavier than I am.Will you please jump on the other end of the see-saw? Harry looked surprised. Me-jump? Said Harry. What for? You’ll see, said Professor Brainy. Reg … Yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot. I am still here. Get ready to catch this.Harry,jump!
Harry jumped on the end of the piece of wood.It went down and the other end went up. The pulleys and the rope were thrown up in the air.Reg caught them and the Professor told him what to do. Reg put the pullers on the tree. The Professor tied the ladder to one end of the rope.Then he pulled on the other end and the ladder was lifted up to Reg. Now, Harry said the Professor.Tie the rope round you. I will pull the other end and you will be able to climb the tree.
Harry did what the Professor said. Soon he was up the tree with Reg.Harry helped Reg to move his arms and legs. What do we do now? Harry shouted to the Professor. Yes,Pro-fess-or,said Reg.The kite is at the top of the tree and we are half-way up. Oh,really Reg said the Professor.You have the ladder with you.. Ah,yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot, I un-der-stand.In the tree the lad-der is strong e-nough. Harry can climb up and I will hold it.He will not get stuck. Quite right said the Professor. Good ! said Harry.Ther put the ladder up against the tree and Harry climbed up.Now he could reach the kite.There you are, my pretty bird, he said.Downyou come. The bird’s wings were caught in the leaves of the tree.lt was not easy to move it.Harry did not want to tear the brightly coloured paper.But in a short time he held the kite in his hands again.
He brought it down theladder to Reg.They dropped the kite and the ladder down to the ground.
The professor picked them up.Then Harry climbed down the rope and Reg climbed down the tree .Harry was very pleased because he had his beautiful ‘bird’back again today. We will have to leave the pulleys in the tree, said the Professor. Per-haps we shall need them a-gain to-mor-row said Reg.
Come in, Harry said Professor Brainy. It’s good to see you again. How are you? I’m very well, thank you said Harry. I’ve brought you the machine you wanted. Harry was very clever with his hands. He made things for the Professor. The inventor drew pictures and wrote numbers on pieces of paper. Than Harry made the inventions. Ah, my telephone-dog said the Professor. Good! The Professor had invented a robot-dog to bring him the telephone. Now he could use the telephone in any room of the house. Harry put the telephone-dog down on the floor in front of the Professor. The inventor’s assistant came into the room. I do not like a - ni - mals said Reg.Reg was also a robot. I on – ly like birds. I’am going to call him Spot said Professor Brainy. He will bring me the teiephone when you are busy. I hope it – he! – will not get in my way said Reg. I am go – ing back to the kit-chen to mark the tea The Robot turned and went out of the door.
Reg is not happy Oh dear said the Professor. I don’t think Reg is very happy. Bow – wow! Said Spot.
You have given him a *bark said the Professor. That’s very good. You can turn off the bark said Harry. You switch off behind his left ear. Bow – wow! Said Spot. Stop that noise! Shouted Reg from the room. Is Miss Lee here? He said. I have made her some nice cakes. I like Miss Lee. She like my cakes. Miss Lee was Harry’s neighbor. Her house was in the same street as Harry’s house. She’s waiting in the car sald Harry. I’ll go and help her.
Miss Lee was *blind she could not see anything. Harry helped her out of the car and into the house. I will take this a – ni – mal out - said said Reg. We do not want it – him! – to be in the way. He picked Spot up and took the robot-dog in to the garden.
Miss Lee came into the room. She was alittle old lady with brown hair. She was carrying a basket. Hello,Professor she said. It’s very kind of you to *invite me to tea agai. I have brought you some fruit and som flowers from my garden. You are very kind, Miss Lee said the Professor. Please sit down. Harry helped Miss Lee to sit in a chair near the window. I think it is a nice day today said Miss Lee. I can hear the birds outsiad. They seem to be very happy.Harry and the Professor listened.The birds in the garden were singing. Reg likes birds, said Miss Lee. Is Reg here? Reg is in the garden said the Professor. Reg has made some cakes for your tea said Harry. Oh, that’s good said Miss Lee. I like Reg’s cakes.They are always very nice. The Professor called to Reg through the window. Miss Lee is here he said. Can we have our tea now? Miss Lee wants some of your cakes.
‘ I am try-ing to go to thekit-chen, said Reg crossly.But this a – ni – mal will not stay in the garden.It wants to fol-low me…’ Suddenly there was a loud noise. ‘ Bow-wow! said Spot, in the garden. Bow- wow! Bow-wow!’ ‘That dog ! said Miss Lee. You’ve got a dog. I do like dogs’ The Professor told Miss Lee that Spot was a robot. ‘So he doesn’t need anything to eat said Miss Lee.’ ‘That’s useful.’
Reg needs help
Reg,came into the room. He was very angry. ‘Pro – fess – or! Har – ry! Please help me. This a –ni – mal will not go a –way Reg saw Miss Lee. I am sorry,Miss Lee..’ ‘That’s all right, Reg said the old lady. Oh, is this your dog Spot? Spot came into the room and stood next to Miss Lee’s chair. Spot touched Miss Lee’s leg with his nose. It is not my dog said Reg. It is on – ly – a Ro – bot . Don’t be cross, Reg said Miss Lee. I think he is a very nice dog. And there is nothing wrong with robots. Bow – wow! said Spot Miss Lee touched the dog’s head and turned the switch behind his ear. The bark became quieter. ‘There, that’s better, said Miss Lee. Now, I would like some tea, please.
When Reg went out of the room, Spot did not follow him.The dog stayed next o Miss Lee’s chair. Reg came back with the tae. He put a cup of tea on a table next to Miss Lee’s chair. He looked crossly at Spot, who was sitting near Miss Lee’s feet. ‘would you like a cake , Miss Lee? Asked Reg,bringing the plate of cakes to her. Oh,yes please, Reg said Miss Lee.She ate three pieces of Reg’s cakes, because she liked them so much ‘ I do like coming to your house for tea, Professor she said when she had finished. I wish I could invite you all to come and visit me. But it is not easy for me to prepare a nice tea like this one. Harry said that he took Miss Lee to the shops and to the market. The shopkeepers and the stall people know what I usually buy she said.They are always very helpful.When Harry takes me home, helps me to put everything away. Then Iknow where it all is.
Life is not easy for Miss Lee
Miss Lee said that she could prepare her own food for herself. But it is harder to get thing ready for other people she said. Professor said Harry.Can’t you invent something to help Miss Lee? It is easy with fruit and vegetables said Miss Lee. I can touch them and small them ,so I know wath they are. It must be much harder with something in a packet said Harry.Miss Lee told him that packets were not too bad. There are many sorts of packets she said. And you can usually smell what is in them. You don’t use salt when you really want sugar then? said Miss Lee. And I always have a little taste to mark sure. Jars and tins are the hardest,because I can’t read *labels. When I have opened the tin or the jar, it is too late.
The Pr
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Wait a minute said Professor Brainy. I have an idea. The Computer in his started to make some noises. I need some paper and a pan. The kite was in a paper bag said Harry. Use this . There’s a pen in your pocket. The Professor listened to the noises the computer was making. Than he started to write something on the paper. The noises stopped. The inventor gave the paper to Harry.
Harry goes home
Can you go home on the bicycle said the Professor and make this for me?. Harry said he could. You will need some *rope the inventor added. And bring the ladder you made for the two robbers. It was too thin for them, but we will be able to use it. I will do it as quickly as possible, said Harry.He got on the bike and rode away.
He came back about an hour later. The Professor was sitting under the tree, wearing his hat. Harry thought that the Professor was asleep.
Up in the tree Reg was trying to talk to two little birds. Wake up,Professor said Harry.I have all the things you wanted. Oh, yes good said Professor Brainy. I was not asleep, I was listening to my computer. He stood up. I see you have made the machine. Good.
Harry was carrying something with wheels on it.
‘Those are *pulleys, said the Professor ‘ Have you got the rope?The rope was on the bike, tied round the ladder. Herry put all the things on the ground. How to we get all these up to Reg? he asked. We know the ladder is not strong enough. The Professor did not say anything. He picked up a piece of wood and put it across another piece. This made a sort of *see-saw. The inventor put the pulleys and rope on one end. Now,Harry he said you are heavier than I am.Will you please jump on the other end of the see-saw? Harry looked surprised. Me-jump? Said Harry. What for? You’ll see, said Professor Brainy. Reg … Yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot. I am still here. Get ready to catch this.Harry,jump!
Harry jumped on the end of the piece of wood.It went down and the other end went up. The pulleys and the rope were thrown up in the air.Reg caught them and the Professor told him what to do. Reg put the pullers on the tree. The Professor tied the ladder to one end of the rope.Then he pulled on the other end and the ladder was lifted up to Reg. Now, Harry said the Professor.Tie the rope round you. I will pull the other end and you will be able to climb the tree.
Harry did what the Professor said. Soon he was up the tree with Reg.Harry helped Reg to move his arms and legs. What do we do now? Harry shouted to the Professor. Yes,Pro-fess-or,said Reg.The kite is at the top of the tree and we are half-way up. Oh,really Reg said the Professor.You have the ladder with you.. Ah,yes,Pro-fess-or,said the Robot, I un-der-stand.In the tree the lad-der is strong e-nough. Harry can climb up and I will hold it.He will not get stuck. Quite right said the Professor. Good ! said Harry.Ther put the ladder up against the tree and Harry climbed up.Now he could reach the kite.There you are, my pretty bird, he said.Downyou come. The bird’s wings were caught in the leaves of the tree.lt was not easy to move it.Harry did not want to tear the brightly coloured paper.But in a short time he held the kite in his hands again.
He brought it down theladder to Reg.They dropped the kite and the ladder down to the ground.
The professor picked them up.Then Harry climbed down the rope and Reg climbed down the tree .Harry was very pleased because he had his beautiful ‘bird’back again today. We will have to leave the pulleys in the tree, said the Professor. Per-haps we shall need them a-gain to-mor-row said Reg.
Come in, Harry said Professor Brainy. It’s good to see you again. How are you? I’m very well, thank you said Harry. I’ve brought you the machine you wanted. Harry was very clever with his hands. He made things for the Professor. The inventor drew pictures and wrote numbers on pieces of paper. Than Harry made the inventions. Ah, my telephone-dog said the Professor. Good! The Professor had invented a robot-dog to bring him the telephone. Now he could use the telephone in any room of the house. Harry put the telephone-dog down on the floor in front of the Professor. The inventor’s assistant came into the room. I do not like a - ni - mals said Reg.Reg was also a robot. I on – ly like birds. I’am going to call him Spot said Professor Brainy. He will bring me the teiephone when you are busy. I hope it – he! – will not get in my way said Reg. I am go – ing back to the kit-chen to mark the tea The Robot turned and went out of the door.
Reg is not happy Oh dear said the Professor. I don’t think Reg is very happy. Bow – wow! Said Spot.
You have given him a *bark said the Professor. That’s very good. You can turn off the bark said Harry. You switch off behind his left ear. Bow – wow! Said Spot. Stop that noise! Shouted Reg from the room. Is Miss Lee here? He said. I have made her some nice cakes. I like Miss Lee. She like my cakes. Miss Lee was Harry’s neighbor. Her house was in the same street as Harry’s house. She’s waiting in the car sald Harry. I’ll go and help her.
Miss Lee was *blind she could not see anything. Harry helped her out of the car and into the house. I will take this a – ni – mal out - said said Reg. We do not want it – him! – to be in the way. He picked Spot up and took the robot-dog in to the garden.
Miss Lee came into the room. She was alittle old lady with brown hair. She was carrying a basket. Hello,Professor she said. It’s very kind of you to *invite me to tea agai. I have brought you some fruit and som flowers from my garden. You are very kind, Miss Lee said the Professor. Please sit down. Harry helped Miss Lee to sit in a chair near the window. I think it is a nice day today said Miss Lee. I can hear the birds outsiad. They seem to be very happy.Harry and the Professor listened.The birds in the garden were singing. Reg likes birds, said Miss Lee. Is Reg here? Reg is in the garden said the Professor. Reg has made some cakes for your tea said Harry. Oh, that’s good said Miss Lee. I like Reg’s cakes.They are always very nice. The Professor called to Reg through the window. Miss Lee is here he said. Can we have our tea now? Miss Lee wants some of your cakes.
‘ I am try-ing to go to thekit-chen, said Reg crossly.But this a – ni – mal will not stay in the garden.It wants to fol-low me…’ Suddenly there was a loud noise. ‘ Bow-wow! said Spot, in the garden. Bow- wow! Bow-wow!’ ‘That dog ! said Miss Lee. You’ve got a dog. I do like dogs’ The Professor told Miss Lee that Spot was a robot. ‘So he doesn’t need anything to eat said Miss Lee.’ ‘That’s useful.’
Reg needs help
Reg,came into the room. He was very angry. ‘Pro – fess – or! Har – ry! Please help me. This a –ni – mal will not go a –way Reg saw Miss Lee. I am sorry,Miss Lee..’ ‘That’s all right, Reg said the old lady. Oh, is this your dog Spot? Spot came into the room and stood next to Miss Lee’s chair. Spot touched Miss Lee’s leg with his nose. It is not my dog said Reg. It is on – ly – a Ro – bot . Don’t be cross, Reg said Miss Lee. I think he is a very nice dog. And there is nothing wrong with robots. Bow – wow! said Spot Miss Lee touched the dog’s head and turned the switch behind his ear. The bark became quieter. ‘There, that’s better, said Miss Lee. Now, I would like some tea, please.
When Reg went out of the room, Spot did not follow him.The dog stayed next o Miss Lee’s chair. Reg came back with the tae. He put a cup of tea on a table next to Miss Lee’s chair. He looked crossly at Spot, who was sitting near Miss Lee’s feet. ‘would you like a cake , Miss Lee? Asked Reg,bringing the plate of cakes to her. Oh,yes please, Reg said Miss Lee.She ate three pieces of Reg’s cakes, because she liked them so much ‘ I do like coming to your house for tea, Professor she said when she had finished. I wish I could invite you all to come and visit me. But it is not easy for me to prepare a nice tea like this one. Harry said that he took Miss Lee to the shops and to the market. The shopkeepers and the stall people know what I usually buy she said.They are always very helpful.When Harry takes me home, helps me to put everything away. Then Iknow where it all is.
Life is not easy for Miss Lee
Miss Lee said that she could prepare her own food for herself. But it is harder to get thing ready for other people she said. Professor said Harry.Can’t you invent something to help Miss Lee? It is easy with fruit and vegetables said Miss Lee. I can touch them and small them ,so I know wath they are. It must be much harder with something in a packet said Harry.Miss Lee told him that packets were not too bad. There are many sorts of packets she said. And you can usually smell what is in them. You don’t use salt when you really want sugar then? said Miss Lee. And I always have a little taste to mark sure. Jars and tins are the hardest,because I can’t read *labels. When I have opened the tin or the jar, it is too late.
The Pr
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..