1. Be wise when holding cash, whether in your home or in your savings account, if you’re earning 5% interest on the money you have in your bank, and inflation rate is 10% then you’re in reality losing 5% and not earning anything.
2. Be careful when buying bonds, high inflation rates completely destroy the value of long-term bonds.
4. Invest in durable goods or commodities rather than in money. Check out our commodities list.
6. Invest for long-term capital gains, because short term investments tend to give deceptive results or sense of making profits while in reality you’re not making profits.
7. Learn about bartering which is trading goods or services without the exchange of money (it was very popular in hyperinflation times).
8. Manage wisely your recurring monthly bills such as (phone bills, cable TV...), it would help to reduce them or eliminate some of them.