Leafy stem cuttings of olive cv. “Kokër Bardhi i Tiranës” were obtained from 1-year-old olive shoots sampled on 10 February and 30 March during the 2010 growing season. To improve the rooting of olive cuttings, different concentrations of GA 3 (50 ppm, 100 ppm, and 150 ppm) were tested in combination with NAA 4000 ppm. After treatments the stem cuttings were planted in greenhouse equipped with an automatic mist system. At 50 days after the beginning of rooting treatments, cuttings were scored for the presence of callus, percentage of rooted cuttings, root number per cutting and root length. GA3 inhibits adventitious root formation, but adding it to NAA in a small ratio (1:40) improved the rooting. In both seasons NAA 4000 ppm + 100 ppm GA3 (40:1) combination modified significantly higher rooting of cuttings. This combination of growth stimulators induces also a higher number of roots per cutting in comparison with those treated with NAA alone. The percentage of rooted cuttings sampled on 30 March was markedly greater than those sampled on 10 February. The mean root length was not significantly different between NAA alone and NAA combined with GA3.