although note that in (21b) the participants appear in a different order than that in (19): the recipient (the children) in this example comes before the things given. Assassinated is a transitive verb, which is why (21c) is impossible: a participant is missing. Perhaps you said that love and detest in (21d) are intransitive verbs, because there is no argument immediately following the verb. But this is wrong: both verbs are transitive, as we can tell from the fact that *Kim loves/detests is bad. The noun phrases sprouts and cabbage would normally be positioned immediately after the verb, but in (21d) each of them has been moved from its usual position, for emphasis. Yet these phrases still fulfil the requirements of both verbs for an 'item loved/detested' participant. So even a noun phrase moves from its usual position, it still counts' as an argument of the predicate it's associated with.