The ASME and API design codes and standards for pressurized equipment provide rules for the
design, fabrication, inspection and testingo f new pressurev essels, piping systems, and storage
tanks. These codes do not address the fact that equipment degrades while in-service and that
deficiencies due to degradation or from original fabrication may be found during subsequent
inspections. Fitness-For-Service ( I T ’ S ) assessments are quantitative engineering evaluations which
are performed to demonstrate the structural integrityo f an in-service component containing a flaw or
damage. This Recommended Practice provides guidance for conductinFg FS assessments using
methodologies specifically prepared for equipmenint the refining and petrochemical industryT.h e
guidelines provided in this recommended practice can be usetod make run-repair-replace decisions
to help ensure that pressurized equipment containing flaws which have been identified by inspection
can continue to operate safely