They stress the importance of looking at parts within the context of the whole. The case also must be seen within the context in which it exists. By examining this context fully the researcher can gain a fuller and more rounded picture of the causal processes surrounding a particular phenomenon. Yin argues that
A major rationale for using [case studies] is when your investigation must cover both a particular phenomenon and the context within which the phenomenon is occurring either because (a) the context is hypothesized to contain important explanatory information about the phenomenon or (b) the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. (1993:31)
The study of context is important because behavior takes place within a context and its meaning stems largely from that context. The same behavior can mean very different things depending on its context. Furthermore, actions have meanings to people performing those actions and this must from part of our understanding of the causes and meaning of any behavior. To simple look at behavior and give it a meaning rather than take the meaning of the actors is to miss out on an important source of understanding of behavior. An example can illustrate this point. The research literature on extended families assumes that exchange help and care between the generations (e.g. adults and older parents) reflects the quality and strength of intergenerational ties. However, if we examine the meaning of intergenerational help within its context we might interpret its meaning differently. Within a particular family there may be great deal of intergenerational help: the adults in the family are attentive to the elderly parents, visiting often and helping out where they can. But is this a sign of family solidarity, closeness and caring, or is it a sign of control, dependence, manipulation and