Embodied approaches to cognition that our of body actions influence our understinding of the world. Embodied approaches are supported by research showing that knowledge about action and knowledge about objects are interlinked (Barsalou, Niedenthal, Barbey and Ruppert. 2003). The body of human interaction with object through sensory moter. When perception by seeing or hearing on many object. Action is also tied to khowledge about the apatial relations between objects (Sandra C. Lozano, Bridgette Martin Hard and Barbara Tversky. 2007). Numerous of prior research exploring interaction body with object though eye, arm, head, and organism movement. At the behavioral level, a number of studies have demonstrated that seeing a hand activates the motor system even if the task does require attention to be paid to it (Craighero, Bello, Fadiga, and Rizzolatti, 2002).