The Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT
Now days we are listening a lot about a new term BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT which is little similar to conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) but with less unwanted risks. People are little confused about these two hormone treatments and not getting the main difference between these two hormone treatments. Both are used as the treatment of female menopause due to a deficiency of estrogen and progesterone. Thus making it little more difficult for the people to decide which treatment should they take or which one is more beneficial.
In BHRT hormones are obtained from plants rather than equine urine as in case of HRT. It should be noted that both forms of therapy use a cholesterol-like molecule obtained from plants called dysgenic to synthetically produce hormones. In addition, both forms possess the same molecular structure as hormones produced in the body. BHRT formulation is altogether different from Hormone Replacement Therapy. Since the material used in BHRT is obtained from natural source thus ensuring that the treatment will going to have less risk of unwanted side effects. Moreover, in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy formulas are made accordingly to the patient’s unique physiology and hormone identity. On the other hand HRT is synthetic one-size-fits-all approach with a history of associated risks documented by several studies.
Now here the question arises that, “Whether bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is more effective and safer than conventional hormone replacement therapy?” There are few studies and researches that have shown that BHRT is at least little safer and more beneficial than the conventional hormone replacement therapy due to BHRT unique formulation and natural source of material used. The US FDA has approved several bioidentical hormones that are produced by pharmaceutical companies but It’s the compounded bioidentical hormones that the FDA does not approve of simply because customized compounding by a pharmacist for individual patients cannot be subjected to standardized procedures.
As with any other drug or therapy, common sense dictates that the patient should make every effort to learn as much as possible about all of the treatment options available. Therefore, it would be a good idea to consult with a qualified practitioner experienced with hormone therapy. This is the best way to make an informed decision and to fully understand the risks associated with any hormone therapy.
If you want more information on BHRT please feel free to contact our experienced physicians at “LA Health and Rejuvenation Center “ that will provide you complete information and will insist you.