I. Introduction 1
A. The Impact of Behavior Problems in Childhood on School 2
B. School Based Mental Health 4
C. The School Family Relationship 9
1. The Student-Teacher Relationship 10
2. Parent Involvement 11
3. Implications of Research Examining the School Family
Relationship in Kindergarten 19
D. Interventions Targeting the School-Family Relationship and Related
Child Outcomes 20
1. Implications of Previous Intervention Research 28
II. The Current Study 30
A. The 2005-2006 Strong Start Pilot Study 30
B. The 2006-2007 Strong Start Program 32
1. Parent Component 32
2. Teacher Component 33
3. Target Population 33
C. Modifications for the 2007-2008 Strong Start Program 34
1. Modifications to Partnership with Schools 34
2. Modifications to Parent Component 35