Peaks from the consecutive elimination of one cinnamoyl and one decanoyl residue [MH130 (C9H6O)154 (C10H18O)] at m/z 1083 for 1 and at m/z 1097 for 2 and the observed difference of 230 mass units from m/z 1083 for 1 and 244 mass units from m/z 1097 for 2 ,both of which generated the common peak at m/z 853, suggested the loss of a methylbutanoyl residue with a methylpentose unit for 1 [1083C5H8OC6H10O4] and a hexanoyl residue with a methylpentose unit for 2 [1097C6H10OC6H10O4] .Other observed peaks were produced by glycosidic cleavage of the sugar moieties and are common to all resin glycoside