Meets Qing Shui this, Tantai Xuan is also speechless, the eye winks, steps onto two steps, the courage is grasping the neck of Qing Shui to blush to look at Qing Shui greatly.
Qing Shui one excited grasps the willow waist of Tantai Xuan directly.
„Cannot touch me, can only I touch you, did the words that you formerly spoke such quickly forget?” Tantai Xuan blushes to look at Qing Shui.
The tender face is near at hand, the fresh breath aura spurts on the face of Qing Shui, making his heart be hard to take itchy.
Qing Shui hurries to take the hand, but quick gently grasps, she knows that Tantai Xuan formerly can say those words complies with itself actually, even can say that she is her woman has been a foregone conclusion, but stems from acting with constraint of woman, can like this.
Qing Shui has not thought that several paint a portrait such big effect, she does not know that Tantai Xuan is also the person who is skilled in the picture technique, but does not have the Qing Shui boundary to be high, therefore she knows that Qing Shui draws own that several to represent anything, this level, according to cannot draw, picture anything picture what good is likes being able the picture to be good, discussed own picture is so good, on bone rhyme picture is so lifelike, therefore she believes Qing Shui at this moment, understood something suddenly.
Qing Shui is holding Tantai Xuan, satisfies at heart, because she is the beautiful woman attempts on female, he also likes her, the man likes the beautiful woman being normal, moreover is ten two Heaven Channel , Qing Shui is also thinking whether the future to make a connection with ten two Heaven Channel .
He does not know that others can make a connection with ten two Heaven Channel , at least he now knows that others' ten two Heaven Channel have not made a connection, but has the woman of relations to make a connection with one with him, increases some psychic forces and strengths.
„Qing Shui, I feel strangely!”
„How?” Qing Shui asking gently.
„I discovered that were at heart many something.”
„Were many I, are many a point to worry, thing that but also a little could not say.”
„Um, how you know!” Tantai Xuan astonished gains ground to say.
„Because I am also, is, Xuan'er, your love!” Qing Shui said with a smile.
After Tantai Xuan hears the name of Qing Shui, has the strange feeling at heart.
A meeting, Yu Ruyan had not come out, smiles is looking to hug in two, Tantai Xuan saw after Yu Ruyan, embarrassed shoves open Qing Shui hastily, the face rapid fiery red piece.
Yu Ruyan goes forward to hold on the hand of Tantai Xuan to say with a smile with a smile: „Actually I know that certainly on the day of will have, younger sister Xuan you shame anything, such matter is very happy, I also feared that you cannot have a liking for him.”