Many high school sports in the united states take part
school activies suchas sports cohirs dands, math cluds science cluds and theater activities but afrer-school actirites are not just for high school stuaents meny elementary schools also have after-school programfor students.
most of the students in elementary after-school programs cannot go
home when school ends decause doth parents work.these studenrs
are too young to stay at home alone. sothe main purpose of these
them home.the gest part is that many of yhe orogram in elementary
schools are free hortr parents,unlikeprofessional daycare cehter
that are usually very expenire.
the teachers in charge of the prograns want the children to learn
while they are there. so the ptograns want ths children to learn
while they are there. so the prograds may have aspcial time for