Many cultures have no massage treatment or exposure as influenced its development.
culture in the coming period through . The of origin of massage Thailand (TM) can be traced to the doctor East.
Yoga and Swedish massage (SM) type of massage is the most popular at the the French in the rain.
The United States will depend on the anatomy of the learn from the past in present, TM a survey the least.
than the transverse objective of this study was to compare the massage in general. By one of two massage
The difference between . On the results of the physical psychology. There the These new research has the registration number 50.
People with a bow at the the received massage therapy or any of its the one between the TM or SM variable along the Gary .
Blood pressure and heart rate of State Beach circle of movement, perception the of anxiety and mood for the .
The year before assessing the body. (Blood pressure and heart rate of State Beach of the movement) has .
operation immediately before (T1) and after treatment (T2) to assess the psychological (anxiety and mood ).
The operation at T1, T2 and track 48 hours (T3) to analyze multiple variance.
Variable (MANOVA) showed the least difference with the overall significance for the massage, but a difference between .
During the the treatment group showed the . The analysis repeated measurements of variance (ANOVA) for each per person.
Significant changes were found variable between the T1 and T2 in the State heart rate at rest, bent the French equivalent of the the Vertex.
, Twisting the the Vertex, and pull / rotate the flow has improved by less than a significant the stated in Moody .
T2, and the tension that such concerns same confusion confused at T2 and T3 compared.
The research suggests that the T1 see the treatment of TM and SM are effective treatments in the same class.
The the results physiological and psychological.