the technical areas covered. This emphasis on low-cost
improvements has proven useful in guiding people about
selecting appropriate options that can be realized in each
local situation.
Cas e s t udi es conf i r m t hat t here are many l ow- cos t
improvements in any of the technical areas addressed.
These improvements help people understand versatile
procedures and t ake vol unt ar y act i on. In s el ect i ng
t he l ow- cos t opt i ons , al l t he revi ewed progr ammes
concentrate on those simple improvements which apply
basic principles of ergonomics and occupational hygiene.
Typi cal s uch opt i ons cor res pondi ng t o t hes e bas i c
principles are listed in Table 17.
Examples of these principles include fewer and faster
handling of materials, easy reach and elbow-level work,
coded di spl ays, i sol at ed or screened hazard sources
and shared teamwork. It is important that many lowcost
improvements represent practicable risk-reducing
measures that have real impacts.