Please find below the summary tables of the cutting results. (An excel file is also attached.)
Based upon 10 respondents, the results are as follows:
• Both Reformed Strawberries met the minimum hurdle for “Overall Liking” at 7.
• Reformed Strawberry 2 was preferred and met the minimum hurdle for “Purchase Intent” at 4.
Mandarin Orange
• Reformed Orange met both hurdles and there was a clear preference for the Reformed Orange over Control.
• Reformed Grape also met the “Overall Liking” hurdle and was also preferred over Control.
• Neither Reformed Grape nor the Control met the “Purchase Intent” minimum hurdle. Both scores were only 0.1 apart.
• The color of the Reformed Grape looked more “pink” than “purple” and some respondents thought the color may be misleading. However, some respondents also found the Control color to be too purple and artificial-looking. One suggestion is to look for acceptable-cost options to formulate to a light purple.